And yet he is still a billionaire. $10 billion. $8.9 Billion. $2.8 Billion What's the difference really?
I think he is great entertainment in a sea of the same old shit. I say there is no way he gets elected but I said the same thing about Obama. Whether I would actually want him to be president would depend on whether he would tone down the wild shit he says on the campaign trail.
He is definitely saying what some people want to hear, but other people just as important don't want to hear it. It is not helping him get elected, it is only keeping him in the news. There is a big difference between balls and bravado. But he's also never served in public office. Government simply does not work the way that corporations do. And its that way for very good reasons. Trump is used to ordering what he wants and firing anybody that disagrees with him. Well, he can't fire Congress, he must compromise and work with them and he's not going to be able to do that. He can't take the slightest criticism from anybody and politicians must have thick skin and keep focused when it is important. Trump has no filter at all. He personally attacks anybody who challenges him. Plus he would be answerable to the public and he is not accustomed to answering to anybody. His runaway mouth reveals this. He would be an unmitigated disaster in international diplomacy which is very much about mutual respect and cooperation.
You don't put a government rookie into the highest office in the land. Let him serve as governor or senator or even a state legislator and establish a track record in public office. Rhetoric don't cut it.