I agree vball. Not only was Mika’s slur disgusting it was worthy of firing. She spoke deliberately and with malice. The hypocrisy of the left is rampant
@Frogleg that rant has been old and meaningless for a long time. Try something with substance. Trump’s crimes are being exposed and he is nothing more than a sleazy Queens developer with delusions of grandeur in way over his head. His reckoning is coming soon
Bradley Smith, a former FEC chairman from 2000-2005, said it was a “relatively easy case” to argue that Trump and Cohen did not commit a campaign-finance violation. He argued that prosecutors should have to prove the payment was only made in connection with his presidential run.“Even if it was intended to have some influence on the campaign, that’s not the standard,” he told Fox News. “The standard is: ‘Does the obligation exist because you’re running for office?’”
He didn't. You would have to prove he took donations and then used said donations to pay off a hooker. Kind of like congresses hush money fund. Yet, he didn't. He didn't do that. The US Statute covering campaign finance outlines fair use for personal use items. “used to fulfill any commitment, obligation, or expense of a person that would exist irrespective of the candidate’s election campaign.” Look at that key word. Trump has a history of paying off women YEARS before. read the other link. Read the dates. 2014.....
Further, I asked and still NONE of you yuppies can answer, what law was broke that STARTED the Mueller Special Council?
At least he's not a sleazy politician? You could be right. The media and DC establishment are being fair to Trump and not trying to derail him at every turn.
a law didn't have to be broken, Congress directed the justice department to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election