back to the old argument that this is all secretly on Obama and/or Hillary again, huh? Funny to me that you guys think that Flynn, a 3 star general, was duped. Actually it's ridiculous when you consider that Flynn met with the SC 19 times that totaled over 62 hours of testimony. If he was duped then why hasn't Flynn done anything about it? In Flynn's sentencing filing Mueller made a point to tell the judge what an outstanding witness Flynn was. Does that sound like a man who was duped? Let him. The funny thing is that you still believe this to be true. If he had something he would have dumped it by now. which the IG, whose report you clung to so desperately, has already debunked this narrative. Trump was never spied on. we do. It's you who doesn't care about political corruption. If so, you would have started this thread instead of @lsutiga
I agree with this statement though I would add to the final line that Democrats actually seem to do better when they have a candidate that rises up. Think Clinton and Obama. When the Dems run their worn out names like HRC, John Kerry or Al Gore they lose.
“which the IG, whose report you clung to so desperately, has already debunked this narrative. Trump was never spied on“ No it didn’t. They redacted most of it. Maybe you haven’t kept up with the news that comet held information and misled the judges. I dont expect honesty out of you. You listen to Don Lemon. You repeat his nonsense once a month when you show up.
you've been believing one all along, my friend. that said, Michael Cohen's story has now been corroborated by the Special Counsel and the Southern District of New York. By corroborated I mean that the investigators and prosecutors were able to verify his account of events. Keep in mind that this information had to be brought before a grand jury and they had to agree that the information was credible enough to bring charges. I posted a video for you earlier of Judge Napolitano explaining it on Fox & Friends. Did you watch it? I can't find anything about this so I am assuming it must've come from some right-wing mag. that said, if they uncover fraud at the Clinton Foundation or any other foundation then throw the book at them. I don't really care. I imagine we could start auditing the books of churches all over the country and uncover all kinds of fraud. got anything about this thread that you want to talk about or are you just going to keep obfuscating by trying to bring up the Clinton's and Obama's? I've already answered this one for you sport. Forget that you asked it already? Comey was long gone when the IG did their investigation my man. Kinda hard to blame the man when he wasn't even present. Again, when you say news I assume you are describing something from Qanon because I haven't heard this on any news outlet, including FOX. Awwwww….that's sweet. You missed me. You really, really missed me.