Trump is in trouble

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Dec 12, 2018.

  1. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    I'll phrase it this way so you can win. I don't think you disagree with him at all, I think you blindly follow his every word and policy.
    Winston1 likes this.
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Check my latest post and apologizes to me.
  3. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    1 - When you continuously say that Trump is "exposing" corruption in Washington. This is straight out of the Qanon playbook.
    2 - When you speak cryptically in saying things like, "Wait until 2019....." There is always something "about to happen" that never does. Again, straight out of the Qanon playbook.
    3 - When you answer every accusation against Trump with, "What about when Clinton did....." or "What about when Obama did....."
    There's three that are right off the top of my head. Frankly, I could care less whether you do or you don't. But like Rolan said, you talk like a Qanon
  4. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    But I gave you an example. Why ignore it?

    You mean like your cryptic "its mathematically impossible for Trump to win"?????

    Yes, I will continue to answer that way because the media and most here didn't care when Obama and HRC did much of the same things. So why do you care now?

    Prime example is the media loosing their collective shit over a god damn hat!
  5. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Not liking someone isn’t necessarily disagreeing with them. For instance I don’t like Trump but I agree with his appointments to the Supreme Court. I disagree with him on many other things.
    Another for instance, I like W Bush but disagreed with his remaining in Afghanistan after we first destroyed the Al Queada sites and punished the Taliban.
    Get the difference now? You say you don’t like Trump but so far you’ve done nothing but defend his actions. Is there anything he’s done you disagree with?
  6. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    You blame everyone else but Trump when Trump does stupid things. You blame the media, you blame all of us for being meanie pants against Trump, you blame the Democrats. You blame everyone but the one person who has the power to stop doing the stupid things that have managed to unite politically polar opposites like @Winston1 and I.

    It is preemptive regardless of what you claim and poorly conceived. When everyone around Trump is saying they were taken off guard by the decision, including his own aides and staff, I believe them. It also abandons the allies we've gained in the area and subjects them to slaughter when we are gone. The next time we make a promise to someone about our military presence they are much less likely to believe us. Pullouts such as this have to be deliberate and in coordination with your allies.

    Did Trump sign it, Pride?
  7. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    In this thread you have said you are not a Trump supporter. Buy I want details, on what issues do you not support him?

    Not trying to insult you, if I have I'm sorry. I generally only want to change your mind a little. And maybe you can change my mind some too in the process. I think Trump supporters have been conned and that's OK. I hope that one day soon we can all join up in the same reality and laugh at how crazy a ride it was and be glad it's over.
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I didn't blame anyone. Can you link it?

    Of course they will say that. They want war. Its a machine these days. Big $$ in defense contractors etc.

    Did I deny he did? I also had a conversation with Duck that the idiot probably didn't even read it.

    See this is my point. You dont even care about what was in the bill or what the GOP fucks did. Just TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP.....
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I'm not creating a list for you. If you have specific questions, ask anyone here, I will give you a detailed answer.
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    You couldn't define the word "defend".

    Go to sleep Winston.

    1st step of problem solving is understanding the issue at its root. If you lack the resolve to defend and clarify your position to the root. Just say so and stop wasting my time.

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