no but as @Rolan said you are missing the point. your rhetoric sounds like a Q follower. I will take you at your word if you say otherwise but when it waddles and quacks like a duck, it's generally a duck. @GiantDuckFan should know something about this....LOL
LOL, I was referring to the whole 'orange man bad' statement from pride. But you Oregon fans got caught in the crossfire. I'm not mad
Right so we both voted for crooks, liars, and cheaters. Yet, the one I voted for won. In essence, we are the same. Just I am the low sodium version. I disagree with him all the time. Yet I have not seen this place present an argument not based in emotion or anyone's original thought. That is what I challenge and thus far not many can live up to defend it. In any case, it is not so much about what he has done right or wrong. 90% of the things I get into are about superficial shit no one knows anything about. You know, with regards to Syria, ask 10 people and we will get 10 answers to "why we are there". All the reason to NOT be there. We have these made up arguments that Trump just "woke up" and pulled us out. Which is a lie. Now, we can talk about the decision, but so far, we dont get that far.
I don't see you ever disagreeing with Trump so that's why I ask. I don't read every post, so I'm not trying to get you. Just want to know what you don't like about him. You say you are not a Trump supporter but that's all I see you do anytime I join in. And you never have just answered my questions. You dance around it, you would be a great politician imo
I dont post every-time I disagree with something. If you want a specific answer, ask me a specific questions. It's not my job to come post every time Trump sends a mean tweet.
Its reality. I am not the one starting these threads. I reply to posts. This is how the internet works.