Well he also said "they let him". Which would make it not "assault".... You can't pick half of what he says and "believe" him and ignore the rest.
No thanks, if you say you don't I believe you. Probably bad assumption on my part. Generally just trying to get your point of view as an avid Trump supporter. So is there anything that Trump has done you don't agree with? You have won the internet. You are missing the point here I think. No one cares about mattis. It's the issue mattis quit over people care about
You're going to have a hard time finding a candidate. There aren't a lot of men who haven't discussed women in some sort of unsavory fashion when talking and bragging with other men. If the women's movement has its way, a good percentage of men will become accused of rape whether they did it or not. It's super easy to say and once it's out there, you can't take it back. So you can take one perspective and say it's because you have women in your family who have been raped but it appears as though you are good to discount a victim who has a different opinion. That's interesting to me.
Yes, I'm goofing off today I guess. I work and have a family, don't have much time to discuss issues on a forum much. But I do enjoy it when I can.
LOL, victim blaming and word semantics. You are 100% correct, Trump has never been charged with sexual assault. That does not mean what he did wasn't.
Well. Assault is a legal term so.... This is my point. Your justification was his words, but in his words he said they let him. So which is it? In any-case, my point would be people were perfectly fine with HRC over Trump and her Husband "assaulted" just as many women. Though in both Bill and Trumps case I would say women threw themselves at them more than anything.
Who did I blame exactly? Which is false. He did and asked them in early 2018 for their plan. He campaigned on it as well. So, what is poor about the decision in your own words? How will the US and the region suffer? Yes. It's been explained. They drafted the tax bill based on lobbyist.
Shit man wasn't trying to. I was simply stating my personal reasons why I dont like the man. Im fine with you being OK with him and that shit, we don't have to agree on it though. Sorry if I messed up there, I put my foot in my mouth all the time with my daughter. She is a main reason my world view is changing when it comes to rape culture. As far as the me too movement I talk about this with my daughter a bunch. It's a mine field and will need better sexual education in the schools imo. I know I've said some untrue shit in my day In high school in the locker room, many of us have. But this wasn't high school, this was as an adult on a TV set. I have never done shit like that as an adult, not once. In that aspect I hope it was just that. But women have confirmed he did it. So it's up to you on what you believe he did or didn't do.