This argument of yours is the only thing that is becoming insufferable. Trump has brought this upon himself so stop blaming everyone else who are reacting to his insanity. I hate to tell you this but if you turn on FOX news right now they are talking about the same things with regards to Trump until you get into the evening talk show segments. This isn't a partisan divide; it's a sanity divide. Mattis' resignation was a result of Trump's poor decision to withdraw our forces from Syria with haste and seemingly without discussing it with his top military and national security advisors. We are allied by the fact that we agree with his assessment that abandoning our allies in the region will deeply harm our alliances in the region that we've worked so hard to achieve over the past 4-5 years. Quit trying to make this about Mattis. This is about Trump and his poor decision making. polls do not measure the electoral college so your point is moot that Trump has exposed corruption in Washington.....exactly what you said in your post. How so?
Not rape, but grabbing a person in the genitals is sexual assault. I do believe that's what I said and what he saud. Still rather my presidents not be in that ball game. Add that with the suspected rape allegations which could be fake. No thanks I'll vote for anyone else
I think Pride is a closet Q follower. I have confronted him with this very thing before but he insists that he isn't. That said, he magically speaks their language and prays to their Trump.