I understand my point of view pretty well, I generally discuss with people to figure out their world view and if it should change mine because of it. In the end I want to leave this rock better off than when I joined. And we have to coexist. I'm not always going to get it my way. We are not enemies, but the propaganda wants us to be. So when I participate here it's not to reaffirm my point of view, but to understand others usually
Which is what I do and get called Q/trump supporter in the process. Trumps got these kids so torn up they can't think straight. Let me ask you. Is your life any different from 2012 to now? If so, what was Trumps fault?
How do you know what I did when Obama fires Mattis? Show me where I supported Obama ever! I was one of Barry’s most severe and persistent critics. You and others confuse my criticism of Trump with support of Obama, liberals or whatever. Don’t you understand I’m not partisan but follow principles and demand those elected meet high standards.
I don't generally blame 1 person like the president. The world is too complex to play a simple blame game and equate that to 1 person. I didn't want any of the shit that's going on. But if you want some specific things. I generally don't like the guy because of the locker room talk. A few women in my family have been raped and some multiple times. I prefer to have a president that hasn't admitted to sexual assult on tape. So any chance of me liking the man ended there. The less personal stuff, I'll stop at a few I don't want the government shut down for a fucking wall. I don't want a wall, what a absolute stupid literal thing to want. But we are still talking about the stupid brain fart he had on the campaign trail Pretty pissed at how he treats our allies. Pretty sure he has done horrible damage to nato. Hopefully it can be repaired once he is gone Trade war, rice is just sitting in the dtyers here, we lost some hunting properties earlier in the season as we couldn't get fields cut.
It's not the one's like you that I worry about @Bengal B …...it sounds like you learned your lesson. My concern is with the knit wits who just keep putting their finger to it again and again....
I've mentioned this on this board before so I don't mind repeating it, I was molested more than once as a preteen. I certainly have experienced my share of sexual harassment in the workplace although my approach certainly isn't to file a lawsuit or run to human resources. I am not bothered in the slightest by Trump's comments and they certainly do not equate to an admission of sexual assault. We cannot simply go around with a broad brush accusing everyone who's even in the neighborhood of living in the rapist's house.
WTF? There were criticisms of Obama in the posts you listed. Most important you didn’t bother to go back to when Obama was president and his actions had some import. Try again Today Obama is nothing but a partisan observer.