LOL 2 mother fucking scoops!! Sure it does. He needs outsiders like himself to help him. He cant rely on the GOP filth to fucking pass anything. Paul Ryan is scum and gets insider monies like the lot of them. What odds you got?
Only a fool wants to see the President fail. That's like laughing at the guy in the boat with you because there is a hole on his side of the boat. Blah, blah, blah.....same old story. He relied on that "GOP filth" to get elected didn't he? All Trump does is blame someone else for his failures and guys like you lap it up and spit it back out like this. Does the buck stop at his desk or not? In Trump's world it's always the fault of the guy he just fired or who just resigned in protest. I'd say pretty damn good because that "GOP filth" that Trump loves to deride isn't going to play ball a second time. Let me ask you an honest question: Do you think Trump has gained or lost voters since the 2016 election? Please elaborate on your answers.
I mean its true. 90% of the GOP votes based off they lobbyist. Not sure what there is to disagree about in this regard. Left has their own as well. The GOP filth I referred to are the cucks in congress. Some didn't make it back this year. The 2020 election will, again, come down to voting "against" the other candidate. We don't know who is running yet for the Dems. But, if its HRC, Trump wins again. If he runs.
Just think about this chart for a second. Trump has received about 90% negative media coverage and is tracking as well and the black unicorn. Stunning.
if you want to find out the real story then you would need to look at the cumulative total between all polls taken around that time. This is the Rasmussen poll which is always overly favorable to Trump. In all actuality if you look at the RealClearPolitics polling averages after the two year mark in 2010 Obama's favorable were 46.9 and his unfavorable were 47.4 and here is the link to prove it: Trump's current favorable rating is 42.4 and his unfavorable is 52. That's a considerable difference from Obama at the same juncture. Obama was under water by a half of a percentage point while Trump is down 9.6%. Again, here is the evidence: I am sure this is all the fault of an over zealous press and that "GOP filth" though, right? So let me ask you again since you didn't answer my question: Do you think Trump has gained or lost voters since 2016?
So you are now telling me that the people you have supported for years and years are all bought and paid for? Is that your argument? Because it sounds like it to me. I don't think you even realize that you have now demonized everyone except for Trump and the "outsiders" who you claim he is going to hire now to clean it all up. Yes, and on election day in 2016 you were so sure those "cucks" were going to sweep the Trump agenda into action. What happened? Either they are indeed the filth that you say they are or maybe, just maybe, Trump turned out to be the idiot that I thought he was from the beginning and now those "filthy" GOP "cucks" are coming to the realization that Trump isn't what they hoped he would be either. So you are hoping that the Democrats put up another candidate who is so poor that Trump can win again? Is that it? You are relying on Hillary again? That sounds hopeless and pathetic my friend. You are essentially saying that Trump isn't offering anything worth voting FOR so you are hoping that the Democrats put up someone who is so repulsive that Trump can win by default. That's awful.
Its quite clear which ones are paid for. Are you obtuse? I have been very vocal in my support for Rand Paul. Huh? The GOP could have passed whatever the fuck they wanted. It is just a show from them. Who the fuck said hoping? Its like arguing with a fucking woman. I never said that. You asked me a question you dipshit on what I "thought" would happen. Not what I "hopped" for. It was your fucking question.
The fact that it is debatable should tell you what you need to know. So you completely ignored my question and ask me a question about if Trump has gained votes without knowing who is running on the other side? It is not "how many" votes Trump has. It has everything to do with who runs for the Dems. Trump already lost the popular vote once and won. Pull your head out of your ass and come at me like a man you pussy.
Rasmussen poll has been the most accurate for years now. It was the closest to being correct when Trump was elected. I wouldn't disregard that poll