Now this is much more interesting than politics - thanks for that segue @Frogleg . "Even the sharpest metal knife has a jagged, irregular blade when viewed under a strong enough microscope; when examined even under an electron microscope an obsidian blade is still smooth and even." "Surprisingly, the edge of a piece of obsidian is superior to that of a surgeon's steel scalpel. It is 3 times sharper than diamond and between 500-1000 times sharper than a razor"
Do they make razor blades out of that stuff? I buy good blades but they are not good enough to get the whiskers on my neck closely shaved.
Merry Christmas Duck and all! You can certainly try to shave with an obsidian blade, but there's a good chance you'll slice your neck open.
One of the most disappointing things about those who give full support to Trump is how they discount Trump’s character.
I was an early adopter of Harry’s. May not be obsidian but one less thing to find at the store. In fact, one less store to find!
At times I have found his ideas to be reasonable and sensible, at others he seems to a little too far out of the mainstream for me
In all seriousness, I truly wanted to when he first took office. I wanted to believe that he was going to be a deal maker and get things done. As the investigations have mounted I have lost faith that he was anything other than who I thought he was to begin with: a crook and a liar. Is it really? Or is it that Trump continually steps in it and gives the MSM and his critics plenty of room for criticism? I think it is more that latter. I see where your reasoning is here but I think it is flawed. I don't know that Trump being an outsider has any bearing on his ability to hire and retain good people. If he gets a second term then shame on us.
A very good article and something I've said for a long time about Trump: he isn't a very good man. In fact, his character is virtually non-existent. I have a hard time even discussing his politics because I can't get past the fact that he is a terrible human being. I don't think Trump loves anything but himself.