Am definitely concerned about this. But I also understand why Trump wants to get out of Syria. We may never get out of these countries if the Generals continue to tell us to stay. I think thats why you didn't hear a lot of outcry from the left about the pullout of troops - they don't want an never ending war either. I am kinda torn on this
Who's quote is this "Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it"? Sounds like Hillary and the MSM just about have you by the nut sack. Of course you're going to have a lot of turnover if an outsider takes over and starts opening up closet doors and the attic. That's actually a good sign that Trump hasn't been assimilated into the establishment. He's remained that outsider. Let the firings continue..... BTW, Sen. Rand Paul praises Trump's willingness to exit Syria: 'One of the reasons he won the election'
You argument has a lil problem. Trump hired Mattie and he's not the first one Trump hired that he's fired (resigned). I'm a Trump supporter, remember.
It's a city of smoke and mirrors and everything else under the sun. Starting out he almost has to hire career swamp minions to start rolling. But less over time. Some will still get sucked in.
Swamp minions? So Rex Tillotson, Mattis, Kelly and others who most celebrated as from outside the beltway are now swamp minions? Seems like you all have a flexible definition of who is what.