There is nothing to believe or not. You don’t even know the numbers. In the cited referrals, Trump donated over $8 million personally to the charity. The total charges under violation tota less than $400K. I mean. I guess in your world I am supposed to be outraged Trumps charity misspent $400k of the 8 million he personally donated? (Shocked face)
no, you won't do it because you can't. You have never backed up your statements with FACTS that I have ever seen So the author of the piss dossier was hired to set the narrative before it was a narrative. Crickets... Full transcript.
Just showing the lady he does bring substance with his positions. Seems like she may be the one needing some seeing glasses.
You know if you Asked me what 2x5 was and I replied that I knew that 2+2=4 while is factually true has zero to do with what was being discussed or asked. I didn’t think we needed to explain these types of things. Would colors help?
It works, you'd be surprised. Now, if you'd let go of her steering wheel and let me run her car off the road...