Nope he's not in trouble unless something new surfaces. Right now it's the daily witch hunt. His haters water at the mouth with every headline while his supporters have become immune to it. But the Cohen shit is on Trump. Cohen is a slime ball and this is what happens when you hire shitty character people. The next will be scarecrow Pelosi doing her impeachment dance. They want him out of power bc he's anti establishment and fucking up the status quo. The media obliges because they're clearly an extension of that. And eventually everyone starts to believe they have something. They just don't know why or what. But it's something.
But if you hear something enough you start to believe it. Everyone knows hes guilty they can just never say of what. The media is doing what they've intended quite successfully.
The part that the media wont tell you is the people close to Dem's got off. McCabe, who also lied under oath like Flynn is never in the news. Why? Because he worked for Obama....
Also, Trump is still holding onto the classified information on the FISA approvals. He can dump at any time.
Its not meant to protect him from Mueller. Its meant to show the level of corruption used to spy on Trump. Comey has admitted as much in recent days.
ah, well I don't care so much about that, he deserves everything he gets. If Trump were nicer then I'd care more.
Borderline? I said it during the midterms....Dems focused in part on putting lib AG's in place to go after Trump. So now this dumb bitch wants to pass legislation to get rid of double jeopardy laws just so she can go after the entire Trump family. Is this really what our elected officials should be spending their time on? Does NY not have any other problems? SMH. I've said it before, the approach regarding Trump is flat out un-American. Ari Fleischer once again re-iterated exactly why. "Justice is based on investigating crimes and connecting them to people. Here, we have a liberal, anti-Trump prosecutor misusing her office to investigate people she doesn’t like, in search of a crime. This is not how justice works." And Pelosi calling for investigations is almost laughable. Dirty....old...lying...hag.