Of course he should stand or fall for what he's done. Now, what exactly has he done? What alleged crime is Mueller investigating that Trump was accused of doing? By whom? And by what evidence? We all know this is a red herring. It's a huge waste of resources to a political end. Now, a sensible and really important probe/investigation would be how much foreign governments / entities have/are affecting and manipulating our elections, especially with new technology. What future threats may come, and how we can combat this. And out of this investigation Trump or/and Hillary, any any other American was found to be in violation of our laws then prosecute them. But the Russia n Trump, Trump n Russia, Putin n Trump, Trump n Putin is political shenanigans.
It must be tough to be so all knowing. I guess you would solve all our problems if only you were in charge. Frustrating much eh?
@Winston1 it really is concerning that the 'outsider' get's put under the never-ending microscope during their Presidency. If we would elect a transgender fairy from West Hollywood as President and they were constantly being investigated for no real crime and constantly trashed like Trump i would defend the person , and call out the bullshit. I hope i would.
It must be tough to be proved wrong so many times yet still advocate for political investigations to one’s opponent. Orange man bad.
Must be frustrating not to understand the basic tenets of law. There is no end to anything until Mueller gives his report. That’s is only the end of the beginning unless the report totally clears Trump.....not likely IMO. THEN depending on what’s in the report he’ll face impeachment and if impeached trial in the senate. He may also be indicted and face trial after his term is over. How much of that is going to happen neither you or I have a clue. We can only read the reports which are partial at best. As I read he is surrounded by corruption. There were at least 14 contacts between high level members of his campaign team and Russians closely identified as being intelligence officers. Thrums has a history of being a hands on leader. It’s a stretch to believe he was ignorant of and not actively involved in all the dealings. It’s not his style. Regardless we can only read tea leaves and not make firm predictions. I believe it looks bad for Trump not because he’s an outsider but because he’s corrupt. Only time will tell.