like I implied this is small potatoes, richter scale 2.5,.. I don't care what happens to Cohen,.. he's just evidence to Congress to me. If they find 10 violations this size I don't think Trump should have anything to worry about,.. he'd probably deserve a pat on the back I just meant, the law applies to Cohen, Congress applies to Trump you said fuss twice,.. I no fuss, me happy boy I don't like him
Dislike Pelosi. Period. At the same time, like it or not, she is Speaker of the House. She’s 3d in line for the Presidency. She absolutely has the right, if not the obligation, to visit allies and our combat troops in Afghan. It is in her wheelhouse as Speaker. Can’t tell you how many Congressmen I had to brief in Europe, her visit is just as valid, and moreso, than 90% of the dumbazzes that passed through London.
Unless you win it, what phucking difference does it make? How many times have you won it? Who won it in 2010?
Well in her case you might be right because she is on record saying she doesnt read the bills before she passes them.