A ludicrous statement. If you can't see that it's ludicrous there's something wrong with you. And thus we see why the article is ludicrous. It may very well be that the misdemeanor-to-felony upgrade of these charges won't fly in court, but it won't be because of the reasons this Trainor hack says.
agree… but there will be more indictments, lots more imo… we’ll soon see a new indictment every week…
So let's imagine that they actually have a case, the SoL expired 5 years ago. Once again they have nothing and even if they get the conviction like Dersherwitz thinks they will, it will be vacated at the first appeal.
In this case they indicted a sack of shit, but they wouldn't have done so if a statute of limitations applied.
New PEW Poll shows that 25% of Americans still have a favorable image of trump. Accordingly, the poll also showed that 25% of Americans don't deserve to be Americans.
False What do you know, you are still telling lies! Can't wait until Trump walks and you have to eat shit yet again