Only if he was aware they were there and refused to return them. He INVITED a search, just as Pence did, and returned everything willingly upon discovery. The law requires INTENT, you spectacular idiot.
Flooding the board with the same bullshit over and over, after it's been thoroughly dismantled, only proves how comical you are.
i see so when you said: "he was still not entitled to possess them" he actually is, provided he doesnt know he has them? clinton knew she had classified info, thats why she destroyed it. why did she even need a private server in the first place? to sell to the russians?
No matter how many times you repeat your same dishonest bullshit it will never be true, and you yourself will not believe it.
See Bill Barr's interview on Fox to understand how all this whataboutism over Biden's documents is a big lie.