Thank you, Obama, for the Cadillac economy you built from George Bush's disaster, and that was ultimately turned to shit by donald trump. Cheap gasoline? Sure, because trump's incompetent response to Covid caused hundreds of thousands of Americans to die unnecessarily, many more than that to lose their jobs, and even more than that to stay home and not need gasoline at all, Cheap energy in general? Sure, that goes hand in hand with cheap gasoline. trump crashed the economy, and there was less demand. Low inflation? Of course. Same reason. Low mortgage rates? Of course. Same reason. When it was all said and done, trump lost us almost 3 million jobs and increased the unemployment rate by 33%, while exploding the national debt by 50%. Thankfully we have Joe Biden to thank for the most outstanding economic recovery in world history.
Damn. I wish Biden would crash the economy. Just reading that I would save 20%+ on my current spending.
Winston was making fun of a trump post, in which he whined about being "indicated". So you inadvertently labeled your own hero a "dummkopf". And, by the way, you misspelled "thread" in your post.