Or maybe people are laughing that during the 1st day Trump managed to have the Judge throw out 80% of the case? Solid effort from Team Trump!
John Kelly confirms that trump referred to our soldiers who sacrificed everything as suckers and losers, that he didn't want to visit world war burial markers in France because he called our dead heroes suckers and losers, that while he wanted a military parade to show how mighty he thought himself to be he didn't want to include wounded veterans because, after all, "who wants to see that?" This five time draft dodger actually had the indecency to declare all these things into the face of John Kelly, WHO LOST A SON IN MILITARY SERVICE TO THIS COUNTRY. It used to be that Republicans had some level of respect for our military. But now?
This morning, an orange piece of shit shared this courtroom sketch. I'm thinking that trump is especially fond of the sketch because Jesus, too, has tiny hands. "This is the most accurate court sketch of all time. Because nobody could have made it this far alone."
You mean the Atlantic article where 4 anonymous people said trump said it? That it likely never happened? I noticed you didn’t link an article or source for this cheeky little burn. You really are that boomer that used to forward AOL emails because if you didn’t forward it to 10 friends, you would have bad luck. Trump may be a piece of shit, but when you lie to make him look worse, you look just like him. What a dope.
That's not what happened, you MAGAt. You're basing that claim on a statement trump made that the trial is 80% over... based on statements made by the judge because trump has already been found guilty and that some of the charges have no bearing because they've already passed the statute of limitations. So, it pleases you that trump got away with some crimes because they weren't prosecuted in time?
No... based on what Kelly has personally confirmed: https://news.yahoo.com/trump-insulted-vets-private-former-035413014.html And while Kelly lost a son and suffered the indecencies hurled in his face, rancid people continue to defend a rancid piece of shit.
I’m sure he did. Most New York democrats have a disdain for the military. Probably holding over from the Vietnam era.
I am sure Trumps thinks Jesus is a loser for getting his ass crucified after reading Kelly's statements. This sketch makes him look weak.