Right, which Is why I say after 2 shells, intent is established. Why not reload and finish him? Could be all he fired off was salt pellets or something of the sorts, but the way it played out, it sure looked like he intended to put him down. Been a distraction all day.
Unless his intent is to expose Velcaro and Vince Vaughn's corruption. Can't really do that if Velcaro is dead, but now he is on the scene, solo with some really tough questions to answer. Is someone on Vaughn's roster working with the Russians? I had a suspicion by the way the Russian said he was anxious to see Caspere in episode one the Russians are behind his murder. Could the guy who VV said "it bothers me you talking stupid like that" to be working with the Ruskies? Or was VV setting Velcaro up and now he's dead? Why wear a dead crow on your head looking like Johnny Depp in the Lone Ranger? Maybe True Detective is trying to one up game of thrones by killing off the main character in episode 2.
So... Fucked up hippie commune is coming in somewhere... Shrink knew about its and the mayor was babbling about levels of consciousness... Sex, drugs, and real estate...
There are also a lot of names being thrown around that are in Greek history, myths and stories. But that's probably just a shout out like the carcosa stuff in season 1.
So after the rewatch, no he was not wearing a vest I could see, the money shot is right before the coup de grĂ¢s, you can see he's wearing a wife beater with very little room between it and his button up. I wouldn't think anyone could survive that unless it was something other than bb's in the shells, just meant to mame or injure.