It rained hard just about all night here. When I first read your post about an hour ago it was only sprinkling but now its coming down in buckets.
Are you in Lafayette? I'm watching TWC and it looks likes it still raining heavy and not moving. I'm awaiting to hear from my brother in New Orleans.
I'm back!!! 26 hours without power, but the rain threat never materialized. They say a mass of dry air over the area was breaking up the rain bands as they came on shore...I doubt we had 2 inches in my neighborhood. We could still get a bunch of rain later, they say, but I think the lesson to learn from this storm is that there is no such thing as predicting the weather. Everything they said about what this storm would do was wrong.
Thank God they were wrong on the predictions much to the benefit of residents of Louisiana. Better to be safe than sorry.
New Orleans is fine. Hell, the Cat’s Meow is open.
Same here Strongest winds and most rain we saw were today but still not much worse than a strong thunderstorm.
I can tell you one thing, when I need t know something from a sibling, I pick up the dam phone and text or call.