Update from my brother: We haven't gotten that much rain so that part is good. Looks like Baton Rouge and Lafayette are going to get the worst of it. We are only supposed to get 2 - 3 inches of rain tonight. Not out of the woods yet but right now it's looking good for us.
When my power came back on I had an urge to make French toast but I was out of bread. The bread shelf at Albertson's looked like the Atlanta Falcons trophy case.
I don't eat a lot of bread so when I buy a loaf it usually goes stale before I finish the loaf. And yes, I was out of beer. I had a 12 pack yesterday and when I lost power I had nothing to do. I sat outside on the patio playing my acoustic guitar and drinking beer and whiskey until past 3 AM.
When did they start classifying Big Macs and Whoppers as vegetables? That guy looks like he could eat a whole cow.
Too close. But I was playing acoustic, not my electric. If anybody don't like it they can kiss my ass. The neighbors closest to the patio are some stupid millennials who listen to crap music and carry on nonstop with their vapid conversations about their shallow and meaningless lives. And their damn dog barks constantly when they are not home. If they are out there again tonight and I still have power I'm going to drag my 100 watt Marshall amp outside, put on some rock and roll and play my Stratocaster along with the music.