Winds here still out of the north. The longer that remains constant here, the better for my area. I think this thing will fall apart quickly as it comes ashore.
glad you're doing ok, BB ... mmm coffee,.. quitting cigarettes took some time,.. stop drinking alcohol, was a cinch,.. take a break from weed, no problem,.. not eating meat, easy, but it made me weak,.. coffee? very tough to give up coffee,.. no Dr Pepper, can't do it, gotta have my sugar water
I quit drinking coffee when I retired about 5 years ago. I quit smoking 5 or 6 years ago. The wife quit first and a couple of weeks later I gave it a shot. Woke up one morning and decided to give it a shot. I made it through the day and the rest of the week. I was amazed it was that easy. Surprisingly I haven't had the urge for a cigarette since. I drink a couple of beers a day. On special occasions I have a shot or two of Crown. Only smoked weed a couple times in Nam in 1970. Not eating meat. No way. I love a good steak. I love a good hamburger. I have a couple of sodas a month. Typically a Pepsi when I cook hamburgers.
Watching TWC. They announced that Barry has been down graded to a tropical storm. Came ashore at Intracoastal City. Looking at the radar it looks like the backside of the storm is going to get a shit load of rain. Stay safe boys and girls.
I haven't hunt nor fished since '73, felt kinda hypocritical eating meat, stopping was surprisingly easy, though it took the pleasure out of eating, I didn't eat meat for 14 months. I usually step over my fence rather than using the gate, one day I hooked my heel doing that, and ended up sitting on my butt. I'd been feeling kinda light headed, but what was alarming was how weak I felt lifting myself up. I knew the cause, so I researched it a bit. The problem was, I wasn't getting the right combination of different types of proteins. The article explained what I could do, sounded like a real pain in the ass,.. eating a lot of different stuff in the right order, a lot of planning, cooking, and grocery shopping way too often,.. as I read the thought occurred to me, "or I could eat a corndog",.. and that was the end of my being a vegetarian, I felt like my old self again in a couple of days.
Anyone know if power is on in Terrytown on the West Bank? I ask because I haven't heard from my brother. Thanks.
I just got an email from him. He said rain bands are moving through about every hour. The wind is gusting up to 35 mph. He said unless things change for the better tomorrow's going to be a tough day.