I don't know why anyone should pay attention to what the TV ex-jock talking heads say. They say what they are told to say. Mark May makes a statement and Trev's job is to take the opposite view point. That way they can argue on the air and be - ooooooh - "contoversial!" It is all a facade and a bunch of acting. No substance there at all. Hit the mute button and be happy.
I think Mark May's okay, though he clings to Pitt a little too much...He's been good to LSU, and I guess that's why I like him...That, and that hilarious smirk he gives Trev during those 8 year old tantrum diatribes Alberts goes off on from time to time... It's like May's thinking to himself..."This is one wack-ass cracka on my right."
That's exactly what it is. Even on the most obvious viewpoints, such as "Is this the best team in the country..." and it's someone who sucks they'll oppose each other. May is annoying and Alberts has that grin that makes you wanna punch him!