How else can one interpret EXODUS, but as it's defined... a mass departure of people / synonyms: mass departure, withdrawal, evacuation.
Yeah, like last year, year before and year before, I already said if it's not a bunch of people like in the past it won't be an exodus...It's not a knock on Coach O, please don't get all upset like others.
I'm not "all upset." I really appreciate your posts and sorry that you might be upset --- Please keep posting even if you overstate to "stir the pot". Of course, when in doubt...mumble --- Just, don't join the Exodus (Red, LSUDad, Okie Tiger, Fishhead, Hatchertiger and other long lost posters).
We're all passionate. After all It takes a certain level of passion to post on a forum as it is. None of my half ass college football buddies take the time out to get involved in forums. I appreciate all of your contributions, even the ones I disagree with. I hate that people can't take a little heat and bail out.
At least LaSalle has the balls to stay around, unlike his pansy liberal pal Red55 who but his head between his tail and flew the coop He could dish it out but he couldn't take it. Now he's all washed up