"Top Obama Adviser Urged a ‘World of Zero Net Physical Growth’ "

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tiger10, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i know what eugenics are.

    again, what are your opinions? can you write a paragraph on what you are saying without a link?

    some dude who works for obama was at one point overreacting to overpopulation issues. ok. and you dont like that? and you agree with overpopulation is a worry or you dont? what are you saying?
  2. Tiger10

    Tiger10 Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2009
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    WHy would I, I need a link to prove my accusations are true.

    He wrote a book about it, its what he believes. And NO I dont support eugences.

    Overpopulation is not a worry.

    Do you believe that obama should be surrounding himself with eugenicist?
  3. Tiger10

    Tiger10 Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2009
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    Your a stupid liberal hack you will stand up for obama no matter what he does do your research on Holdren. And Im the lunatic because I tell you what someone put in their book.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    no. but i dont care much either. from what i read in your goofy links, the guy was not so much a eugenicist, more of a general lunatic.

    overpopulation is a crazy worry that humans love to have as part of their tendency to think humans are a scourge on the earth. kinda like global warming.

    if you point is that obama is a lunatic big government madman, then i agree. i dont really get concerned over the minor details.

    you need to read more and post goofy links less, then you would have a better idea what is going on. i happen to think obama is one of the worst presidents ever, and that he is trying as hard as he can to destroy america.
  5. Tiger10

    Tiger10 Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2009
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    You dont care that someone with as much power as holdren believes in forced sterilization?

    Eugenicist are lunatics, and your shaping up to be a lunatic.

  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i cant make heads or tails of what you are saying, fella. good luck though.
  7. Tiger10

    Tiger10 Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2009
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    And you knew this before I post the goofy link? If you dont believe it you can read the book.

    WOW thats a bold accusation form someone who believes that Im a lunatic for post facts.:insane:
  8. Tiger10

    Tiger10 Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2009
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    I think I made the last post on the first page more understandable.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It's a problem in New York, for Gawds sake.

    Many resources are finite and many of those are near depletion. Sustainable human growth has its limits. Beyond that, we are overpopluated.

    Bullchit. No market is freer than Somalia, where there is no government at all and you can be a pirate if you wish. And they are all starving except the war lords. They are starving in India, the most overpopulated country in the world, a western-oriented nuclear power with a centuries-old free market based on the British Empire model. Yet they starve there. You are quite wrong.

    Prove it. Some are but some aren't.
  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    it has to be a problem everywhere for it to be a problem. people live in new york because they want to. if it is so overpopulated, people wouldnt be coming from all over the world to set up shop here. they love it, i love it. the more the merrier. give me your tired, your poor.

    if tiger stadium is too crowded in one section, but not too empty in others, then the whole stadium isnt filled.

    we will be fine. when oil runs out, we will find a substitute. my guess is that someone will find a cheap way to collect hydrogen, which is virtually limitless.

    warlord rule and chaos is not freedom. if you farm up a bunch of nice squash, and warlord comes and rapes your wife with the squash and throws your house in a river, that isnt a free market.

    we are talking about balance, amigo, balance. nobody wants chaos. we want freedom, but we want stability. we all want balance. if there is one thing i want you to remember from this post, it is that balance is important.

    US economic research service:

    ERS/USDA Briefing Room - India

    "Following liberalizing economic reforms in the late 1980s and early 1990s, India is now one of the world's fastest growing economies, as well as the second most populous. Faster growth is strengthening and diversifying food demand, and India now a leading world importer of vegetable oils and pulses. Despite a rich and extensive agricultural resource base and rising producer subsidies, farm sector investment and growth have remained sluggish, creating pressure for reform of domestic agricultural policies. It has been difficult to achieve consensus on the reform agenda, but measures to increase market orientation, improve marketing efficiency, promote use of biotechnology, and strengthen incentives for private investment are moving forward."

    regarding scarciity of resources:

    Simon-Ehrlich wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Julian L. Simon and Paul Ehrlich entered in a famous wager in 1980, betting on a mutually agreed upon measure of resource scarcity over the decade leading up to 1990. Ehrlich ultimately lost the bet, and all five commodities that were selected as the basis for the wager have continued to trend downward since 1980."

    like i said, basic resources get cheaper over time. and eventually we can just mine landfils for recycling if we have to. we will be ok, chicken little.

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