1. The Wire by a long way. My favorite show of all time. 2-5. In no order: Dexter, Entourage, South Park, Scrubs.
1. Arrested Development -- IMO, probably the most intelligent, unique comedy on TV ever. 2. Seinfeld -- Intelligent comedy with a tremendous impact on popular culture. 3. Sopranos -- Totally new form of TV. 4. Entourage -- OK, a guilty pleasure. But one I really like. 5. Homicide -- Network cop show to push the envelope into more realism. Honarable Mention -- Cheers, All in Family, Buffalo Bill, Cosby Show, Lucy
I watched a bit of an Entourage episode last night for the first time and it definitely looks like a show I could get into. Piven is a genius comedic actor. So natural for him and he is cast perfectly in this show. I am just not quite sold on the rest of the characters and the people that are playing the parts.
You need to watch from the beginning because the characters are in a transition in the new season. Much different from what they started out to be. The Wire True Blood (really moving up my list of late) Rome Dexter (Many more HBO and SHO shows such as The Tudors, Sopranos, Entourage, etc...)
Ari is one of my favorite chracters ever, and is supposedly based on a real agent (Who I would love to meet). Watch a few of the earlier seasons and you will be sold on the other characters, the show is great, and I aspire to be Turtle. True Blood caught my interest at the start of season 1, but was so far out there by the end of the season, and continues to get cheesier, that I couldn't finish it last night. Sopranos first 3-4 seasons were great, the last couple were way under par, imo. I guess they just ran out of characters to keep killing, not to mention the worst ending ever? Maybe not because people still talk/debate it and I guess thats what you want...I just wish there was some kind of closure. Other HBO shows that I forgot (I guess I am really listing my favorite shows, not the top of all time): Eastbound and Down - ROFL is only way to describe this Generation Kill - Great mini-series Flight of the Conchords - Fell way off last season, but the first season was amazingly original and entertaining. I am about to start watching Californication, I have heard good things about that as well.
Had it finished the storyline they were building I would have to say.. Carnivale would have been my all time fav but the way it was left just pissed me off
Can't believe you think that about True Blood with all the rave reviews it is getting. But I guess it is not for everyone. However, it is the only show I have seen that carries a fan base that has viewing parties besides the Sopranos. East Bound and Down was really good but I was pissed it ended after like 7 30 minute episodes. That is not a season. You will like Californication if you like Entourage. Same kinda feel and no better person to get the lead role of a sex addict than a sex addict himself, David Duchovny. Band Of Brothers is way up there and can't wait for The Pacific to start.