Have you ever been to a Kansas concert? Or seen footage of them playing? Walsh is like a maniac on his keyboards. Dude had crazy energy back when they started.
Another great voice, but not the longevity as most of the ones we have listed: John Waite - The Babys "Isn't it time?" was a great song. Also: Mark Farner - Grand Funk Railroad
And another I should not have missed on: Peter Rivera (later known as Peter Hoorelbeke) - Rare Earth I saw Peter and some other ex band members of popular 60s groups band together to play their respective band's top hit. I went see them play in Lafayette in the last 80s/early 90s. I can't remember what they called themselves. It was a really good concert.
Never been to one of their shows, but I did get to meet them about 10 years ago. We were playing at Club LaVela in Panama City, and they were playing next door at Spinnakers. After they were done, they came over to where we were and checked us out / hung out. Wasn't all of them though (not sure how many original members it was), just the guitar, drummer, and bass player. The bass player wasn't the original one, I know that. The other two I'm not sure about, I was in a bit of a haze that night. Seemed to always happen when we played there.. lol
Got to have Rod Stewart, Dennis DeYoung and Freddy Mercury in the top ten and how about Sting? Saw the Police on their reunion tour and he sounded as good as he did 25 years ago.
just a tad. But I love the group "Yes" just as much if not more, but did not list Jon Anderson in my top 20. So he is #1 based on his voice, not the group.