In other words, the football players time is more accurate. Because it is the amount of time he ran, not the amount of time betwenn a gun shot and him finishing. Suppose a guy stood still for a full second after the gun, then finished in 5.4. Does that mean he ran a 5.4? No, he ran a 4.4. He didn't do chit in the 1st second.
Do you really want a player on your team who stands there for a second when center snaps the ball because the play shouldn't start until he's ready? Reaction time is everything... that's why you don't get to start running whenever you want. All I'm saying is that when you hear these stupid fast 40 times just realize that they are basically no more accurate than counting in your head and estimating.
How is it exactly that the football player's time is more accurate? Track guy's times are done electronically which has no room for human error. Their time is what is the true measure of speed, but also a great point is what lsutiga just said.. these are also times without pads on. The shuttle/cone times are usually much more accurate a gauge of how the player will perform as it measures quickness and agility. Anyway, there have been plenty of players who make it on the All-Bus team.. as they look the part getting off the bus at the stadium but could not play football. A great example of football fast is former Saints safety Sammy Knight.. when he came out of USC he was too small to be a linebacker and supposedly too slow to be a safety.. but his football speed was much faster than his track speed. Brian ~Go Tigers!~
That's a bit of a reach. I think anticipating the sound of a starters pistol is night and day compared to anticipating the snap of a football. You're reaction time is probably better when you can see something rather than listening.
most studies i've seen say that on average people react faster to auditory signals than visual. this is pretty cool you can test your own visual/auditory reaction times. :thumb: my times were site: .2535 seconds sound: .1757 seconds
Had never thought about it in those terms but just thinking.......if I see a pistol, I might hesitate for a split second; but if I hear one go off.......I'm hauling azz. :hihi: