Then again it is even more impressive to come from behind the way we did than to have a mediocre game all night and struggle trading leads back and forth. To me the meddle of a team is measured how they react to adversity. The emotional let down from last weekend coupled with the Troy game coming on the heals of a physical Bama game and you have a perfect opportunity for a lesser known team to make a statement. My solace is in the fact we never gave up and pulled it out even though our backs were against the proverbial wall. I give this team an A++ for one hell of a 4th quarter last night.
We found out 2 things last night. 1. When the going gets tough the players kept fighting and came back and won a tough game even though it was freezing cold. 2. We have a lot of fans that are "fairweather" fans and those are the ones that left. The going got tough and they bailed on this team. I don't care what excuse you use (my wife was cold, I didn't have a jacket, the team didn't deserve my support, my bobo hurt) you showed us all last night that when the going gets tough you will jump ship.
I completely agree. I am very tired of people labeling others as fair-weathered fans. I would wager to say that most of us on this board are not fly by night fans. We are all probably lifelong fans that are very emotionally tied to LSU. Considering how passionately the regulars on this site discuss this team, none of them are fair-weathered. It my fracking money that bought the tickets. If I am so disgusted by the product that is put on the field, It is perfectly within my rights to leave the stadium. That does not mean i love the team any less, hell some people could say that it shows how much i love the team that i just can not stand to see Tiger stadium defiled by the poor play that they were putting on the field (yes i do know some people that have used that argument.) Because i point out how completely inept the Defense looks and is coached, I am not being a newbie whiner. People are annoyed because they know how good LSU's defense is supposed to be. LSU is known for its in your face tough Defense and this year the defense is more like a frightened kitten that has been de-whiskered. Why is a well thought out post with examples questioning the decision-making of the coaches just flatly dismissed as fair-weathered? IF you disagree, refute it. By refute it, i mean refute the info, not just call the poster an idiot. (I am a Les fan, but i hate the Co-DC deal) i know that these are just kids and we can be very hard on them sometimes. If i question why a particular QB is still in the game after a string of horrible decisions, that is not being mean. (notice i am pointing out poor play, not saying something like he sucks and we should go back in time and murder his parents so they can't procreate -- anyone saying something like that should be shunned and laughed at mercifully.) I seriously (and hopefully) doubt that anyone on this board wishes any ill-will to a member of the team we all love. Can LSU fans, actually fans of anything, have outrageous expectations? Absolutely. No one or no thing is perfect forever. Can we get too emotionally blinded by our expectations? Absolutely. Actually now i am just rambling so i am gonna stop. I just wanted to point that the fair weather name calling in general has become ridiculous. Sorry this was much longer than i wanted it to be.
See yet another person who has no clue why an individual left the stadium yet he blindly calls them Fair-weathered.
well from my section there were tons of boos followed by people waving goodbye to the true fans that decided to stay ... an excuse of weather is a freaking joke, use common sense - its nov and a cold front was moving in ... i saw more fans unprepared than prepared still screaming from the upper section ... very disapointing from my point of view ... i drove 8 hrs to cheer my team on and people take that for granted b/c they live 30 min away if this was against the alabama team - same weather, same whining little ones, same complaining wives and same 40 degree weather and it was a close game ... would you have left a 3-5 min left in the 2nd ?
its quite obvious why 70,000 left almost a half early. it wasnt to catch seinfeld reruns. yes its makes you fair-weathered no matter how you spin it.
believe whatever you want. Having to take a screaming kid home because he is whiny and cold shows that a person is a fairweathered fan. whatever.
Wow. You would "prolly" have stayed til at least the 4th against an SEC foe. . . My guess is Les Miles "prolly" wasn't talking about you when he thanked the fans who got behind the team and fought with them for a comeback Just why do you pay for tickets? To show-off for your friends? To prove you are a Money Man? Here's a unique reason to buy tickets: because you support the team and are a fan of the tigers.