It's not so much the weed that would concerns me. It's the fact that he continued to do so despite the consequences.
And he paid the price, now everyone needs to get over it, look in the mirror, then take a look at the world we live in and shut the fuck up. And I'm mostly speaking to naysayers, not anyone in particular.
Its not the fact that he smoked weed, I could care less. Its the fact that he was stupid enough to continue to put his career in jeopardy thats cause for concern.
Who here has said that he/she hopes Mathieu doesn't make it in the NFL because he got busted for pot at LSU? What I am seeing is people concerned about the defiant, borderline-entitled, attitude he displayed during that episode possibly limiting his stock, which is a perfectly legitimate concern. You're the only one who sees fit to inject the pot issue in absolutely every post about him.
Yep, there are no problem players in the Pro's...
Nope. I'm just saying that while I don't care how many reps he can do, a CB needs good upper body strength to fight through blocks and jam the receiver at the line. He should be able to do better than 4. I could do better than 4 as a sophomore in HS.
I don't know why I typed playmaking ability. I know I had two points, but can't remember. Senior moment, I suppose. Don't laugh too much, you'll be old someday. Sorry if I angered you. It was to be a " nifty" comment.
Ha! I'm old enough now; I can't wait to see what my "senior moments" will be. As a 21-year teacher, I'm considered pretty old by the youngsters around my building.