I encourage everyone in New Orleans to be at the Wilson Center when these guys get home. They need us now more than ever. After all, they have given us so very much.[/QUOTE] Well, that didn't happen. Only about 30 people were present for the emotional welcome home party (per a Tulane fan that was there).
The fact remains is that Tulane, is still our biggest (in-state) rival. So, we have the duty to point out their flaws.LSU!
Actually, it's much more than that. When Tulane was going through the inital discussions about saving football, the question was raised regarding the lack of local support for the program. That evolved to the drastic reduction in the number of in-state students admitted to the school for undergraduate work. A member of their governing board said in Times-Picayune the reasoning behind that was the lack of quality high school students graduating from Louisiana high schools. The story went to mention that many Louisiana residents attending Tulane were either on an employee tuition waiver, or a Louisiana legislative scholarship. The Louisiana legislative scholarships were set up to keep the state and the city of New Orleans from assessing and taxing Tulane property. Tulane is able offer higher salaries, a recent example was the hiring from UNO the director of Eisenhower Center. If Tulane were taxed as a regular business or citizen of Louisiana, New Orleans and the states fiscal woes would be over. Tulane plays both sides of the fense, collecting a public subsidy while looking down their noses at the public. Yeah, it's sports, but it's also the Tulane situation. Think they're in pain now, imagine how'd they scream if they were cut off from the public funds. http://infoweb.newsbank.com/iw-search/we/InfoWeb?p_action=doc&p_docid=0FBB691E98D8FB8D&p_docnum=7&p_queryname=25&p_product=NewsBank&p_theme=aggregated4&p_nbid=T64T54XNMTA1OTQ5Mjk3MS40NzY1MDk6MTo3OnJhLTE3MDA
http://infoweb.newsbank.com/iw-search/we/InfoWeb?p_action=doc&p_docid=0FBB691E98D8FB8D&p_ docnum=7&p_queryname=25&p_product=NewsBank&p_ theme=aggregated4&p_nbid=T64T54XNMTA1OTQ5Mjk3MS40NzY1MDk6M To3OnJhLTE3MDA
The legislative scholarships are a sweet deal. I had forgotten about that. Thanks for reminding us. :thumb:
Man... you are about the same as Scrappy. ALL of us here are either DIE HARD LSU fans, or at LEAST SEMI-die hards. I love LSU, I might go to a different school, but still, LSU is MY school... NO MATTER WHAT!!! I've been a fan for only a short time since I am only 20 years old, but I remember the Dinardo days and stickin up for "my" team, in jr high, when Miami was winning it all. I used to be the ONLY person wearing an LSU hat or shirt; all my friends were wearing Texas or FSU hats, but I was supporting my school because it was LSU... We could be 0-10000000 and Tulane could be 10000000-0 and I'd still be a die-hard tiger fan... screw you, if you don't get it, I'm not in this to make friends, I'm an LSU! fan!
. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to BB again.