So why are you so defensive of the first post in this thread? Do you even know what you're talking about?
Whats not to understand? I said I didnt see a reason in posting this here. Then someone says something about how that post made him laugh. I agreed b/c people who take it that seriously should be laughed at. Then it went in the direction of growing up and not taking sports so serious. That leads us up to the present. Any questions?:lsup: do you stop being serious about sports at age 8? Usually T-ball helps increase your interest in sports...
I was serious about sports I was playing. I was and serious about watching sports, learing about sports and all this. By taking it serious, I mean that I didnt cry over my pro or college teams losing. When a team I actually played for lost in a big game or something, I would get emotional and all this. Hell I still take the Cardinals seriously, and Missouri basketball and Chiefs football seriously. But, I understand that its is just a game that I have no control over. Therefore, I dont cry or throw things(ok maybe once or twice:hihi: ), or yell at my mom, or sisters or whatever b/c they lost. See what I'm getting at?
Heres the deal crappy... No one likes you because you are fake. Not genuine. A phony... People can see (hear) right through you. You can put little cute LSU! tags behind all your posts, but we all know you are just some 18 year old kid that lives in brusly, who really is a missouri fan at heart. Also, you will have a hard time in this area with fans, if you don't figure out soon that just like texas,florida, and alabama...Louisianians take their football VERY DEAD SERIOUS. This is not a bad thing though. The southern culture is very passionate about everything. as represented in fishing,sports,art... you name the category...and I'll bet you there is a southerner who exells in it. once you figure out all this and more, I think youll be better off. Oh yeah.. and you are extremely ANNOYING. You have just come off of my ignore list this month. Be thankful.
:bncry: :cry: :bncry: :cry: :bncry: :cry: :bncry: :cry: :bncry: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :bncry: :cry: :bncry: :cry: :bncry: :cry: :bncry: :cry: :bncry: :dis: :dis: :dis: :nope: :nope: :dis: :dis: :dis: Weenie fans mentioned in the same breath as class and way :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis:
DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!!!!!!!! ..... You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to tirk again. :hihi: :thumb: I don't know what pic I like better... that hott ass chick or those weenies... hmmmm