And, I would guess, a regularity problem. Have you tried more fiber in your diet? That stick up your butt ain't gettin' it done.
No one is saying that you haven't seen that on this board. But what that Tulane guy wrote is 100x worse than any "heart felt after loss" post...I mean come one scrappy, look at that post and tell me you didn't laugh at that...
Don't speak about that which you do not understand. You clearly do not understand the rivalry (even if it's been imbalanced for a few decades.) The vitriol around Tulane has nothing to do with them having a nice season. And I'll say again, if somebody posts that mamby pamby, I know the players on a first name basis and they need us so so very much right now kind of crap, I'll ridicule them too.
better now than later I say. bottom line: "Tulane don't like LSU... LSU don't like Tulane" as my grandfather would say. it's a bitter hatred towards each other. thats why LSU and Tulane are ..... drumroll please..... RIVALS
Well I've heard plenty of that crap before from LSU people. And yes I did find the guys post funny. Anyone who takes the **** that serious should be laughed at. Having said that, was it really necessary to go digging on there site to post that junk on here? Anyone who takes sports that serious is a sad individual. I used to, but then I turned like 8 and that kinda goes away. :lsup:
30 years ago, Tulane / LSU was a rivalry rooted in all the great things that make up all good rivalries. Then, Tulane became New York Southern / South Connecticut / Western New Hampshire... The only thing New Orleans / Louisiana about that puke University is the municipal address. Too bad all these Tulane fans tore the tags off their Tulane Baseball gear so soon.
You took sports seriously until age 8 and then quit? You realized you were that unathletic that early? Hell, my grandparents are still diehard sports fans...
No, I still enjoy sports. I still root for my teams and cheer and go crazy and all that. But, there comes a time in ones life that you realize, hey its just a game. A point where you dont cry if the team loses, or throw stuff, or stop talkin to the wife and kids and all that. Thats what I meant. There is nothing wrong with loving your team and supporting them. But, letting it affect your life is when it gets to be a little much.