You guys are freakin' harsh! Man, sometimes it's embarrassing to be a Tiger Fan. You dope's don't seem to know the difference between good natured ribbing and just being plain old jerks. What's so hard to understand about the guy's post? His team was top ranked and had just lost an elimination game in heart breaking fashion. As if you wouldn't see some such post on our board if the situation was reversed. It's a little on the sappy side, but you know we have fans like that as well. It looks like I am in the minority on this topic around here, and I'll probably get hosed for this post, but sometimes you guys suck.
Listen,I hand it to Tulane for accomplishing what they did...But let's be serious... 1) It's just a game 2) I've never cried after a lose. I've broken things and cursed over and over again, but I have never cried and writen an emotional tell-all about the experience. 3) This guy was asking for it. It would be one thing if he had said, "thanks for the great year" or "we'll get em next year." Instead he wrote a sob piece that acted like someone had died.
Man, if that isn't a ballad waiting to be sung, nothing is! As for taking it easy on 'em, it's Tulane. You know, the folks that look down public education, Louisiana in general, uppty better than you, Tulane. Double f 'em. That post gmae stuff sounds in stark contrast to Pat Forde's stuff, where the scum felt Omaha hated them and they were better than those yeahoo's.
Eh...When it takes as long to get to EAUXmaha as Tulane, getting eliminated hurts more. On the other hand, with us, getting eliminated doesn't "hurt", it makes most of us angry.
The posts that you would see around here would be calling for the head of the coach, not crying and whining for a binky.
Trust me, the minute anybody here posts some whiny, sobbing tripe like this, I'll call them out on it too. And don't tell me I suck! I didn't blow a 7 run lead to a bunch of Baptists.:grin:
I'm a Tiger fan with some amount of class. There's plenty of us out there, just not so many on this board today.
I would agree. I have heard fans on other boards that give the old " those boys played there hearts out" sobby piece like that too. Seems like you'll find any reason to hate on these guys that had a better season then you. So, someone goes on the Tulane board and digs up some poor dudes post about how he feels bad that they lost. Ya thats really cool, lets act like we dont care what Tulane does, but the second they lose, post and rejoice about the fact then go look on there board and cut and paste this guys post. Your cool:lsup: