Kinda, but not really. The point was not to show you opinions of other people on another board. It was to give you the quotes from the ESPN guy. At first I couldn't find the quotes on the ESPN site either. You are cracking me up. No doubt you have my comments saved and are waiting to put it in my face if he doesn't leave. Fair enough. I would rather everyone stop acting like spoiled brats and Coach Saban stay.
Your comments are saved on the forum by default. You said: "I think this is Saban's last year at LSU. Put me on the record." so I imagine it is YOU wanting to be able to quote yourself after the season if you are correct. When the season is over, believe it or not but I will not be thinking about your posts. I will be thinking about the spring practice and the spring game.
if saban leaves based on your assumptive reasoning then he is the spoiled brat. Its ok to want to be on record saying 'your feeling was right' but the fact is he is leaving one day. You'll be right eventually. Just be very patient as it could take years.
If you haven't noticed by now, I am hard headed. I want to have this belief that we can have utopia at LSU at all times. Yes I know that the same thing happens everywhere. The problem is that now whenever it happens everyone goes "there goes those LSU fans again." I want better. I want to be the loudest best fans at all times. We all know that noone can hold a candle to us when things are going well.
....and we have that at LSU. We have fans who, upon seeing their team go down late in the fourth quarter to Troy, started chanting in unison LSU LSU LSU LSU. Even Saban pointed this out, as I mentioned earlier. Don't expect sportswriters, or negative fans for that matter, to write or talk about the positives.......
on second thought, Duke basketball fans never boo. They never will. They are too nerdy (like isl) and are always sober which is a good thing. However, some LSU students like to drink. Its odd but has happened for a century. If you cannot correct this behavior of all LSU fans then utopia cannot be reached. Of course, then you lose the loudest fans monicker as well. Drunk fans are the loudest. Its a fact. I dated an alcoholic skank once from Sweden when I was at LSU. She was like fine china til she opened her mouth.
First we have to read about booing causing Saban to leave, which is assinine. Then there are too many dogs getting eaten and Kerry/Edwards placards on this thread to even try and read anyway. Tirk, you usually have a much better signatures, seeing that once was ok, but several times on one thread is nauseating. The political sigs should only be for the other forum IMO.