Have his actions not taught you anything? Maybe he is saying "kiss my ass" by playing who he wants and you can kiss his ass goodbye if you don't like it. I have talked to several people close to Saban and this is true about the booing. You can ignore it if you want and you can say it is crazy or whatever.
Oh ok, you meant to link to the "Rumor of the week" portion which is on a separate page? The part where the all knowing Gene Wojciechowski said: "Saban has had his chances to bolt LSU for the NFL. The boos, say those who know him, could make him think long and hard about leaving." ????? Did anyone hear the call-in show last night? Someone commented about the boos and Saban's response focused on what he noticed, that being the resounding chant of LSU LSU LSU by the fans after Troy took the lead late. He commented about how that was helpful to the team. Gene knows everything though..........
This is funny. As if some boo birds are gonna run Nick out of town. Listen, the highest paid coach in CFB has thicker skin than some of you guys think. :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
It's not the booing or the boo birds, it's the attitude. If you have no idea what I'm talking about then you haven't been in Tiger Stadium this year. The bitching and moaning. Look around the next time you attend a game - seriously, look around and take it in. In 25 years of attending LSU games I have never seen anything like it. As I said in a previous thread, we look like a bunch of spoiled rich kids bitching, whining, and waiting around for shrimp and free booze. Also, the "they boo in the pros too" comments are some of the lamest statements in a long time...
To Tigerskin, So basically you started a thread because you are under the opinion that Saban will be gone after this year and when you stated that opinion in the other thread, people disagreed with you. A day later you come back and reference a thread of more opinions on another forum to back up your own opinion. To further back yourself up, you linked to "Rumor of the week" page on a espn website. Ok, we get it. You have an opinion about Saban leaving and other people have similar opinions. This is not surprising. Anyways, you are on the record.
For me, I'm not saying CNS will leave because of booing, I just think the attitude sucks and people need to relax while the man establishes this program and prepares for a long run...
lmao poor nickie felt unappreciated. Look, I love the guy and was on record (stroking ego) wanting him as coach before ANYONE ever mentioned him. He is great for LSU as is it is for him. Yet, no need walking on eggshells worrying about every damn little thing that may upset him. He is an adult, a man, a coach and a parent. He knows how kids act. Like kids. Many adults act like kids. He is aware that ALL FANS BOO AT EVERY SCHOOL RIGHT OR WRONG. 2.5 mill and you can boo me all you want even though I wouldnt like it. I know, they are booing the players. It sucks. Can't change it here anymore than JoePa being booed in UnHappy Valley. Everyone should get a grip. Nick Saban is da chit and he knows it. Stop with the hurting recruiting rumors. This crap is worse than the booing itself...because it LINGERS and FESTERS like a summer cold. Its time to move on. If Nick moves on, thank you Nick, we still love you baby.
Who said you can't boo? Who said you can't talk about the team? When and where did anyone say YOU can'r do something. Stop acting like a whining liberal - you are a victim, we know. People are infringing on your rights? Please... You express your opinion by booing, and I express my opinion about your booing - what is the hang up?