Unfortunately you're right. LSU is now the Medicaid of CFB... come in win 7-9 games a year, cash your multi-million dollar check each year and coast until you're tired of coaching.
If all of our sophomores from this year stayed all 4 years, and LSU got a monster haul this next offseason, and the 2017 off season I would think LSU would have a real shot at a championship in 2017 despite Miles, but that ain't happening. The juniors will continue to leave early.
Getting rid of Cam is good place to start. Next get a defensive coordinator. Steele is horrid. Next Next tell Ass clown Peveto if he wants to stay with program it will be as equipment truck driver. He's an ass clown. Finally, stop playing ghetto music during timeouts . I'm tired watching fat white people with no rhythm trying to boogie.
Finally, stop playing ghetto music during timeouts . I'm tired watching fat white people with no rhythm trying to boogie. LOL