Times Picayune article, Peter Finney

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Geaux4Tigers, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Re: Times Picayune artical, Peter Finney

    the thing is... those were OTHER games. One game in east LA doesnt effect what happens on the field in NOLA.

    So the guy was right. it doesnt matter if 5000 teams got upset this week, LSU had some O line problems in the first half. Period. I'm sure Miles will see to it b4 next week. I darn sure hope the players listen up. He got their attn at Half time, so it seemed.... we won.... now to do it again each week.

    I have to agree though with you that Tulane didnt expose ANYTHING, The O line just had some issues that they need to learn from.
  2. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Re: Times Picayune artical, Peter Finney

    That was a complete sentence, and the best thing you have said on here. You should have left it at that.
  3. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    Re: Times Picayune artical, Peter Finney

    I am not critiquing your post...just responding with my viewpoint.

    First, the 6 sacks. Rightfully, you say that they weren't totally his fault. But, a healthy Flynn gets out of most of them. His ankle is obviously NOT healed...and he is very tentative on it. This was also evident in many of his incompletions. He isn't able to plant and step forward into his throws...resulting in underthrown receivers at times. There are examples of this from the past two games.

    Second, the intentional grounding. The safety didn't come from intentional grounding...it came from a holding penalty in the endzone...which also results in a safety. If this isn't the intentional grouding you're talking about, I apologize.

    I just couldn't help but notice that he wasn't able to run at all...whether on designed plays...or ad lib plays avoiding pressure.

    On Finney's article...what's the problem? He's a writer for a NOLA paper...and probably slanted it a little Tulane's way...but he didn't fabricate anything. Tulane most certainly outplayed LSU for at LEAST a half...because LSU underachieved. I'm pretty sure LSU was looking ahead to next week...but he's right that Tulane outplayed LSU...and that LSU looked nothing like the #1 or #2 team in the country Saturday.
  4. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    Another Finney Jab

    Finney manages to ruin an otherwise interesting piece on the 1958 team and the perfect timing of the soon-to-be-released book "The Perfect Season", by taking a few backhanded stabs at LSU (bitter much, Pete?).

    "To me, perhaps the biggest surprise was the fall of Southern California, from No. 1 to No. 2, after a three-point victory over a Washington team that was a three-touchdown underdog."

    Man, these grapes are sour.

    "In "The Perfect Season," Dietzel suggests he did not "pour it on" against Tulane in a 62-0 rout that closed the regular season. He said he was "trapped" by the substitution rules to use his first stringers during a 35-0 fourth quarter.

    I've never bought that excuse. All Dietzel had to do was let the Chinese Bandits play on offense.":lol: :lol:

    And finally, the fade-away "Hail Mary"...

    "How long will LSU remain No. 1?
    The first ballots will be cast Sunday morning."

    Subtlety is a hallmark of a good writer - and Pete is less than subtle here...
  5. BrettStah

    BrettStah Tiger Fan

    Sep 29, 2003
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    I want to give a positive rep to whomever fixed the spelling of "article" in the subject line - it was painful to keep seeing it the way it was (no offense to the original poster - I make typos myself).
  6. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    finney is the tulane beat writer for the tp. he probably has morphed into a olive and blue glasses wearer. no biggie.

    we got the job done, when a lot of other teams *cough, ou, cough* didn't. hopefully it was the wake up call the team needed that they have to play with full intensity for 60 minutes of every game.

    now on to the gators.
  7. vector4

    vector4 Founding Member

    Nov 25, 2006
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    I think he summed his own article up for me when he said..

    "All right, but didn't the Tigers win 34-9? Didn't they settle down to win the second half 24-0?"

    yeah they did.... a solid defeat of an inferior team. same as we have done all year and will continue to do, we have yet to have a "close" game. if talking about how you kept up for a little while makes you feel good then i guess roll with it.
  8. 86tiger

    86tiger Founding Member

    Sep 28, 2007
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    He basically said that LSU has some questions. He didn't say Miles couldn't fix them. He also said we better fix them or else we will get beat. Miles said the same thing. We can't play that way and expect to beat the top SEC teams. Who wasn't worried after the safety? Who wasn't worried when we kept shooting ourselves in the foot. It was just not what you expect from the best team in the land. However, everyone has an off day. Let's just hope we continue to improve and learn from this game. We all want the same thing, A NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Believe it or not Finney wants it too.
  9. Ellis Hugh

    Ellis Hugh Space Wrangler

    Aug 9, 2001
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    Pete Finney has been a well respected writer for over 60 years. Many of his articles transcend intuitive writing. If he has a few bad articles every once in a while then he gets a pass from me. He is usually spot on.

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