There are LSU fans that argue that there was a reason why JJ was slated as the starter towards the end of the summer: that he beat out JL, i suppose, with his mobility and presumably improved passing. I do believe he has improved under coach K's focussed efforts. Didn't JJ receive accolades from scouts at the Manning camp? He did seem very promising for this season. As fate would have it, JL suddenly got the golden opportunity to prove himself to the fans and the coaches of his worth as a QB, with very positive results on the field. Moreover the offense seems to take on an identity under the leadership of Lee, and hopefully continues to improve. The legal problems that fell on JJ literally put him at a big disadvantage when it comes to having him winning back the job by the time he gets reinstated; as more time passes on, JL will get stronger and stronger. It would be tough for JJ to become the starter,as the (offense) train may have long left the station....As alluded to by several posters before, it's Lee's job to lose. I do feel good about JJ coming back; I do believe he will be better this season than the last (even with JJ is at the helm, I don't think we will see last year's uninspiring offense again). Imagine , LSU having two decent QB's leading the offense, with a very promising backup in Mett. If CLM really wants JJ to start, he prob has to start him in some lesser games to see if he is really battle ready; that's going to be tough esp. in the middle or late part of the season.
It would be a crying shame to see lee, who is having the best season for a qb since Flynn, lose his starting job. This kid is getting better and better. The media is singing his praises. The offense looks like an offense and is scoring touchdowns aginst good defenses instead of field goals like last year. This offense is something we can be proud of instead of the humilating clusterfrick we had last year. I pray that we don't revert back to the garbage offense we put on the field aginst wvu and tenn last year. Jj coming back and taking over this team makes me sick.
Man .. I don't think you have to worry about that. Changes in the starting QB are usually determined based on play. Lee is playing good. I've never seen a coach pull a winning QB to put someone else in, except for Houston Nutt, when he pulled Mitch Mustang. .. but hey, we're talking about Houston Nutt ... need I say more. JJ indeed won the starting job in Spring Practice, but that is history. He lost it with this snafu. You don't get a chance to "re-compete" off the field for the starting QB position. The only chance JJ retakes his starting position is if Lee crashes and burns in a game. Being as how he is improving each week, I don't see that happening. JLee is getting the real chance he should've got last year. No rotating or alternating series, no looking over his shoulder, ... just pure it's your chance to shine.
I don't think anyone has anything to worry about a quarterback controversy. The DA's statement yesterday just about told the story. JJ or John's attorney is not able to cross examine none of the witnesses and theres no pissible way the DA brings witnesses that contradict the charges that are being brought forward. His statement about this being done to get things going and in a fair way to both parties just shows he's trying to protect himself in this next election. The more I hear the more I'm convinced the charges will be brought against both players.
I saw Lee makes some passes this year that I am not sure JJ would make. While his mechanics and short passes looked really good at the MPA, his long or touch passes were still being overthrown. It could have been that the receivers were just not as fast as he is used to or it could be he still has not improved that part of his game. Either way if I were a defense looking at film on JJ I would not be scared of the long ball. With that said I know JL has not lit it up down field either, but the few he threw looked better than what I seen with JJ. At least JL put it where the receiver had a chance, JJ overthrew guys by 15 yards with no defense. I would like to see what JJ could do in a real game as long as it doesn't mess up the rhythm we have going right now.:yelwink2:
If JJ is cleared, it could be a great rallying point for our team in the middle of the season. I see an LSU team with players who really care for each other and enjoy winning as a team. I'd bet the team would love to have JJ reinstated, and they would be energized and even more cohesive. I think/hope that JJ would state that he is very happy to be back, but that this is Lee's team right now, and JJ will do everything he can to help Lee and the team win every game. I love the way this team blows onto the field before a game. Multiply that by 10 if they come out with JJ dressed and ready to help the team win! LSU!
Word was ... Lee beat JJ in the fall practices and major scrimmages ... using passing accuracy alone as a standard ... disregarding the running and scrambling! JJ would be the starter as he was more mobile and more of a threat JJ returns ... JJ gets to play sparingly ... it's that simple for Les & Krags This ain't rocket science and there ain't any I's in TEAM And ... Having JJ back is a blessing ... If Lee has a bad game (he's human), JJ can be called on