And you think pulling a QB who is winning every ball game is the recipe for winning future football games?? It's not such a rediculous remark when you consider that within your own post you contradict yourself. Like you said, his job is to win football games, not cater to the ego's of 21 year olds. ... now .. I refer back to my first sentence.
Actually, the grand jury doesn't hear testimony every day.. Reports are that they won't convene on this case again until next Wednesday.. I'm guessing the comments by the DA about three weeks refers to the three hearings.
You can disagree but you can't say it's false. Unless CLM told you specifically what will happen you can't say for sure what'll happen. There is a difference between fact and opinion you know, from my experience with watching how CLM handles things I have no doubt JJ will be the starter if reinstated, that's my opinion..
I hope you're wrong. Please don't let jj butcher this offense after it finally is starting to resemble a real working offense with a passing game complete with a qb that's not completely lost and can't make any decisions on his own except to run with the ball every chance he gets.
Dude, your first sentence said that if Les changed quarterbacks he would be fired on the spot. That is the remark that is ridiculous. First of all, no coach ever gets "fired on the spot", the very notion is absurd. Secondly it is not a firing offense for a coach to change quarterbacks. The AD is not going to fire any coach for that. Thirdly Les is not on any hotseat, he has a contract, and everyone is happy with him. He is no danger whatsoever of being fired. AD's pay no attention to disgruntled internet characters. There is no contradiction in my saying that Les' job is to win football games and that if he needs to change quarterbacks to do that, he can, he will, and he will not be fired for it. Now, if Les pulls Lee for Jefferson and Jefferson loses a game, it will be an unpopular move. But he has every right to do so. And he won't be fired. And it sure as hell won't be "the biggest injustice ever done to a player, and would be a mark on CLM for the rest of his career".
Dude .. chill. It's a "figure of speech". .. ie., not meant to be taken literally. All it meant is what you said ... "it's be highly unpopular". Bajesus!
No more speculation about a civil suit coming, as per Lowery's attorney there is one coming.. Also, lowery never identified JJ as the person that kicked him, he was on the ground and unable to see who it was, JJ was identified by other witnesses.
That's sad. I don't think JJ or JJ did a dang thing in this ruckus. Now they're going to have to be dragged through a civil suit. Poor Kids.
lawsuits against the school, bar, athletic department......what the hell, maybe even the doctors...........JJ has no money.