Well don't ya'll get in a tizzy if JJ is gifted his job back. He was the starter for a reason, if its reason we're not privy to understand. It happens all the time in sports. Starter goes down for whatever reason. The backup performs admirably. The starter returns. The backup goes back to being a backup. Tom Brady was an anomaly...not the norm. JLee has done enough to keep the job, but it wouldn't shock me (or upset me for that matter) at all to see JJ back in the starter's role.
I watched the highlights of the MSU game yesterday, and I saw a couple of passes that Lee threw, had a there been a faster defender opposite the WR, they would have been easy pick sixes. I have been hesitant to discuss, as so many have been riding the Lee Train (Myself Included) I too am concerned when he tries to thread the needle, there are only a handful of QB's who can get away with that pass after pass, Lee is isn’t one of them.
Did you learn nothing from the "Back To The Future" series? Tampering with the past only leads to trouble! :rofl:
We can speak hypotheticals all day long. The key is to operate within our strengths. We have TWO powerful, fast RBs, and a moderate pass attack. We've yet to experience the RS threat with his running abilities. .. but I think Saturday, we will. As far as those thread the needle passes, Lee may improve with Krag working with him on his mechanics ... getting his body momentum going forward and stepping into the throw is a big part of the bullet. I know Stud mentioned they've been working with him on his footwork. I think everyone is positively on board to bring in JJ for special situations, including red-zone plays to exploit his run threat. I want JJ for such. It'd be good for him, and good for the team. But I'll stick with Izzy's point, I don't want him running an entire series of downs. I think that decreases his effectiveness. I don't really call it the Lee bandwagon. We are just giving credit were credit is due, and comparing the overall feel of the O this year to last year. ... and there is no comparison. I know Crowton is gone, and some have argued that the O would look the same even with JJ, but noone can really say for sure, as that didn't happen.
I don’t care if Lee can never make the thread the needle passes, as long as he doesn’t attempt them in the game. Just keep what he has been doing, manage the game. As for him stepping into his throws, I just don’t see that happening. The kid throws off his back foot, and has thrown some pretty accurate balls doing so. Krags has obviously found a way to work with his mechanics but overall, it appears that Krags has decided to just deal with it. Because after 59 pass attempts this season, I haven’t seen any change in Lee stepping into passes. I think that the team is Lee’s and JJ will see mop up duty until he is needed (Injury, Suspension, etc.) However, I wouldn’t be shocked to see CLM bring him in the middle of a drive for a play or two just to change it up – Just another weapon
Obviously no one here is the head coach of LSU's football team so it really doesn't matter what everyone would like to see.. Unless you've just crawled out from under a rock you'd have to be naive to think that if JJ was reinstated this week that he won't be the starter within a few weeks. I have no doubt what CLM will do but I'm also not on the positive side that the grand jury won't bring charges. Either way I'm sure we'll know really soon if JL will continue to be the starter for the 3/4 of season we have left.
Dude .. if CLM pulls a winning Lee, he will likely be fired on the spot. It would appear as the biggest injustice ever done to a player, and would be a mark on CLM for the rest of his career. JJ does not return as starter unless Lee falls apart. And I don't foresee that happening.
When JL was a starter and went down JJ came in and took the job. Now JL has been given his chance and has proven to know how to manage a game, change plays at the line, and throws a very nice pass. Bringing JJ back after three games all victories and acting as if nothing ever happened is wrong and locker room poison. Even if JJ is not indicted by the grand jury, he used poor judgment, was not a leader, and hasn't practiced in a month. I believe he will be urged to seek other options with his future.
I'm guessing you haven't watched a lot of LSU football.. You're first statement is pretty whacked to say the least.. CLM will do what he wants to do and won't in any way get heat or threatened with being fired.. Pretty silly thing to say...