In player interviews on Monday, players like Peterman, Turner and Clayton SEEMED to know that they can't take Arizona lightly. Clayton especially seemed serious about it.
The Tigers will be ready to take care of business in Arizona on Saturday night!!! :geaux: :geaux: :helmet: :helmet: :lsug: :lsug:
Re: Re: Time to get an ATTITUDE Tigers! When Vegas makes a line like LSU - 11 1/2 it dosen't necessarily mean that the bookies believe that LSU will win by that margin. It means that the bookies believe that at 11 1/2 points an equal number of bettors will bet on both teams. If a ton of money comes in for LSU they will move the line up to 12 or 12 1/2 to stimulate more action on Arizona. If the action is heavy on the side of Zona bettors they will move the line down to 11 or 10 1/2 to increase the amount of money bet on LSU. An ideal situation for the books would be say $10 million total bet on LSU and the same amount bet on Zona. Whoever wins the bookies collect the losers money plus 10% and pay the winners the amount of their wager and make $1 million. Of course some bookies are gamblers themselves. I know two guys who had so much of their own money bet on a recent Superbowl that they watched the game at the airport so that if they lost they could catch the next plane out of town.
Re: Re: Re: Time to get an ATTITUDE Tigers! Now, THAT, my friends, is what I call "Serious Football Betting." This thread is "spot on" as our British brothers might say: The LSU Tigers' mental toughness and preparedness will be tested tonight for the first time. I'm ready to put this game into perspective: we have a long season ahead of us. Whether we win or lose simply serves to tell us how much work we have ahead of us this year: if we win, we have a tremendous amount of work ahead of us, if we lose, we have an incredibly tremendous amount of work ahead of us. The game and season will depend on the LSU Tiger players' and coaches' mental toughness and committment to excellence. Each individual must develop the kind of relentless personal dedication to mission-accomplishment that Coach Saban refers to when he talks about developing wolves vs. sheep. :geaux: :lsug: