Overall Record at LSU 66-17 Record vs. Unranked Teams 40-4 Record in Tiger Stadium 38-6 Record in SEC Regular Season Games 34-15 Record vs. Top 25 Teams 26-13 Record vs. SEC Western Division 22-9 Record in SEC Home Games 19-6 'Nuff said
Well put.:thumb: I remember the sparkle coming out of his eyes when he talked about this (his) team during a brief news interview........not too long ago.....
Think about your statement! I love it! How many fans can be concerned about losing a........G A M E, as in ONE game? We are truly blessed to be the fans & supporters of this "mini-NFL" college team. Ya gotta love the position we are in!
'Nuff said? 'NUFF SAID??? Here's a few more 'for the record': Record in bowl games 5-1 Record in BCS games 2-0 Record in BCS National Championship games 1-0 :milesmic:
Today he was asked "Why do you have 3 #38's?' he replied "Because we like the #38 best... (and we don't necessarily want the other team to know who it is kicking)"