Time to admit mistake

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Trolyce, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    You must spread some reputation around before giving it to atlantabengal again:thumb:
  2. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Here is the question:

    If jj was still qb, would we be saying that the offense has been turned around and corrections had been made? To an extent yes AND no. Miles has opened up this passing game more and more each week. Last weekends game by lee was just as good as jj's cotton bowl. The thing is lee did it the week before at moo state. Consistency is what were seeing here. Three good passing performances by lee and a soso in the uo game. Jj never put three decent passing games in a row last year for sure. If jj was the qb we would most likely be a run only team like last year. We wouldn't be getting the love from the press. They are saying we have a balanced offense. One reporter on espn radio said lee was the best qb in the sec. Miles would lose a lot of this good will towards him in the tiger nation if jj came back and got playing time split with him and lee. Especially if he throws an interception when lee has thrown only one. If a jj interception cost us a game this town would melt down and the fire les miles chant would be on. You can bet the first interception thrown in tiger stadium by jj will bring the boo's so loud you would hear them in Egypt.
  3. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    There have been many times in the past where I thought bringing in a new coach would be the better solution. But after Miles won the NC I've had to temper my criticism and give him credit for his many strengths.

    I can't forget the time (mis)management and I also feel like he is a little too loyal to (and soft on?) players and coaches. His coaching hires usually aren't super exciting, and sometimes they're not so hot, and sometimes I worry that he is a little too conservative on offense (and maybe defense). I even question some of his mad hatter moves.

    BUT, he is good representative of our university and seems to treat his players and coaches well. There is much wisdom in choosing experience over potential (players and coaches) and it is nice to have happy personnel. A strong run game wears down the opponent's defense and a conservative defense keeps your opponent from busting the big play. And the 'mad hatter' personality is endearing and has very often worked out on the field.

    I don't feel like he is the perfect coach, but really that doesn't exist. I liked a lot about Saban, but he has his flaws too. Really, Saban and Miles strike me as almost yin and yang, and I'm pretty impressed with the yang so far this season. We're playing like champions right now under Miles.
  4. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Miles record shows that he's right way more than he's wrong. One thing for sure, he represents LSU better than any coach I could think of replacing him with. He is a decent, honest man. He neither rants or raves on the sideline. You see no cursing and screaming. He really loves his kids. He has the tiger spirit and installs it in his kids. You can see it in his singing with them after games. He is the father of lsu football. I say that because he acts like a father figure to the players. I'm proud of him. I would bet there isn't another coach in America that would love his players like les miles loves the kids on his team. We have a true winner as a coach. I hope he stays until he's ready to retire. If he coaches lsu another twenty years, lsu will be a top ten team another twenty years. If he continues to beat bama like he has, we will have a statue of les miles the size of the statue of liberty sitting on top of tiger stadium and it may be called one day" les miles field". Les miles, the godfather of lsu football.
    2 people like this.
  5. TigerCliff

    TigerCliff Veteran Member

    Oct 17, 2009
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    way to go

    we find Johnson grass ain't bad !!!!
  6. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    Now .. you couldn't be referring to "the look" ... [ya know, the I'm so confused, who the hell am I and what am I supposed to do look] that I keep referencing that "some" here claim didn't exists ... ;)

    PS .. I've always liked CLM.
  7. Eq4bits

    Eq4bits (Deep East) Texas Tiger

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Yup, I know 'the look' well; it wasn't *that* hard to spot ;)
  8. ScottforJC

    ScottforJC It's never over until God says its over-Sid Ortis

    Nov 22, 2007
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  9. northernvatiger

    northernvatiger Founding Member

    Dec 24, 2003
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    Not to hijack this thread, but for me it was Sharon L. in the 6th grade. I won't say her last name in order to protect the innocent.

  10. northernvatiger

    northernvatiger Founding Member

    Dec 24, 2003
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