States not the feds would decide what is legal concerning personal use. Trade is negotiated. Don't tax our imports, we dont tax your imports. When the fed is trimmed down to constitutional limits it would not take very much money to operate. (comparatively speaking) Taxes should be a state issue, not a federal one.
i said every state, including yours, you would defend the rights of your own state to legalize drugs ? so your party isnt actually opposed to legal drugs, just opposed to federal power.
Pretty much sums it up. I personally advocate decriminalizing mj. I would be disappointed if we were to legalize the hard stuff.
so you really agree with libertarians in that federal drug laws should be killed, because you support the right of the people to choose to allow drugs in their particular state. your party is not in favor of the rights of the federal government to enforce tyrannical laws. only states can trample our personal rights. i dont think its justified just because it is decided more locally. i think your strict constructionism of the constitution is loopy because it gives states far too much power to restrict freedom. i believe that unnecessary restrictions of freedom are bad, regardless of if they are enforced by a state or federal government. i also do not like the restrictions of free trade like tarriffs and protectionist economic policy. when goods are allowed to be traded freely between countries then goods are better allocated to everyone. i like the patriot party, however, i think they would be better off if they dissolved and just joined the libertarians.
I will not debate the libertarian party with you. They have peaked out in their influence and will become less and less relevent.
thats fine. i guess your party is more about power than principle. if you only cared about principle, then of course it would not be relevant how influential they are, only what they stand for. especially for third parties which will never have any real influence relative to the others like yours and the libertarians.