I find it interesting that you feel like I said that Mauck was not as good as Randall. I did nothing of the sort. I said to compare the two and their relative levels of success heretofore in their respective stints as LSU's starting quarterback is folly. The context and surrounding circumstances makes anyone with half a brain look at them on their own, and not comparing them by saying, "Well, Mauck's winning percentage will always be better." To make it that cut and dried is simply a folly. I also find it ironic that you're attempting to cast me as some backwater hick by using cutdowns from your East Baton Rouge Parish School System issued joke book. Guess the 360 acre Golf & Country Club they're building right outside of Denham Springs is for rednecks and hicks, and not for Baton Rogue residents eager to rid themselves of an archaic and failing school system, right? Guess all the inbreds who have their children in the 2nd ranked school system in the state must not know sh!t from shinola... The Bass Pro Shop that's coming landed out here because the corporate suits at Bass Pro thought all the "trailer parks" were attractive to their prospective clientele... I assure you I haven't stooped so low as you have here with demeaning my intelligence, or my background, over the simple support of a quarterback that others constantly and continually put down...For whatever grave injustice I've committed your id to totally supercede your superego here I sincerely apologize. May I never awaken your absolutely juvenile inner child ever again. I'll attempt to keep the discourse above what you've brought it to here today. I feel like Marcus Randall doesn't get a fair shake. To compare him to Matt Mauck is ridiculous, for the reasons I've stated above. Thereby, anyone who attempts to do is acting in a ridiculous nature. The backhanded high school barbs about my city (The Parish seat of the fastest growing Parish in the state) or trailer parks basically reinforce what I already know: You're ridiculous, and can't be counted on to take much in context, such as the fact that the comparison to Mauck of Randall is foolish. But, have your fun, or make some jokes about Livingston Parish, why dontcha? How about I actually do you a few better? Q: How can you tell the toothbrush was invented in Denham Springs? A: If it were invented anywhere else, it'd be the teethbrush. Q: What is the definition of "Relative Humidity"? A: The temperature of your Uncle's Scrotum as he's sexing up your cousin (his sister). Q: What do you get when you put 16 women from Livingston Parish in one room, all at the same time? A: A full set of teeth. I could go on and on, but I'll digress...Let's try to keep it on the actual subject, instead of being idiots here...
That guy confuses me..... That's not even in his sig. He goes through the process of attaching it to every one of his posts.
Also, someone PLEASE tell me where I wandered off the subject and took personal shots at anyone or put anyone down? I've re-read my initial post, and other than the homage to Richard Condon I threw in about "Nickel and diming", I find it to be no worse than anything other than normal...Who did I offend by what I typed there? Who took such personal offense to it? What prompted Lump to start talking bad about me or trailer parks or brain cells? Seriously...
Yeah, he's confused too, but harmless. He just wants LSU to make it to the Music City Auburn Bowl :grin:
Here ya go, ITIEducated...from earlier in this thread... I would say calling someone delusional is a personal shot, not to mention the tone of the rest of that post. Just to refresh you and everyone else's memory, this thread was talking about Randall's arm strength, and whether we would see more of a deep attack with him at the healm. When I said Randall's arm strength was average, as evidenced by the bluegrass miracle only being ~55yards with a full "hail mary" type throwing motion, ITIEducated here took it as a personal attack. I could care less about your recent posts...haven't read all of your long winded diatribes, but I saw that you bad-mouthed Mauck at every opportunity, and make excuses for Randall at every opportunity. I used my supreme powers of deduction to conclude that you think Randall is better than Mauck. Either that or you are Randall's gay lover (it's a tossup). In any case, it is not necessary to put down one player in order to support another...but you think it is necessary to put down other posters, other players and anyone else who disagrees with you. So you reap what you sow. You should have a thicker skin if you're going to be a supreme A-hole. I'm sure others could give many an example of your poor attitude (and poor reasoning skills), because frankly, I just don't care enough about you to spend the time. I'm also not going to go into your family and community roots (too scary), but it's pretty obvious that I've hit a hot button. I will just say that a Bass shop is not a sign of high society.
Hey Wow.. the first thread that i've ever started on this board and its gone 4 pages with lots of angryness... nice.. heh
This problem continually pops up in response to the tone of my posts, and it's not exactly a big deal...It comes with the territory... I don't reallyc are if you think I sit here with the bile filling the back of my throat (it's not), and I also think you're foolish if you think I am saying Matt Mauck is bad. I'm saying the kid looked TERRIBLE at times. Just as Randall has looked TERRIBLE at times. Comparisons can be made to support assertions that both are amazing, and both are terrible. I've never downed the guy, I used his performances as examples. For you to say, "I'm not sure, I don't read your posts," or ,"I don't have the time...", well, that's a copout towards being able to paint me into some corner about me hating Matt Mauck. Hell, there's a poster here who PM's me from time to time whose complimented me during the season and afterwards about my support and admiration for Matt Mauck...But, I don't exactly post Private Messages I get here out for everyone to see. The fact that you reacted so poorly after inferring that I think Matt Mauck is a poorer quarterback than Marcus Randall mirrors however poorly I reacted to anyone who downs or poor mouths Randall. I've seen it done on all LSU sites in the Universe since he stepped on campus...I've heard goofballs on the radio continually bad mouthing the kid for stuff he's never done...I've heard Richard Condon read into Randall missing Matt Mauck's hand on a high-five in a game...I've heard it all, and it's just silliness... As I said, I sincerely apologize for awakening your inner child and invoking the wrath of your truck stop urinal wall powered sense of humor...I'll NEVER dare to show you that as bad as Randall may seem, Mauck could be made to look as bad or worse...Not as an attempt to say Mauck is bad, but to say that Randall isn't as bad as he's made out to be... My sincerest apologies..
Tiger Educated, there is no reason to apologize. Couple of points that I'm sure have been made before but what the hell: 1) Everyone who follows LSU football has to remember that Mauck had plenty of struggles early on in his career and really had that "breakout" game in the Swamp two years ago where he showed what kind of leader/quarterback he could be. Mauck also benefited from two Webster interceptions, one for a touchdown (I was at that game, it was beautiful.....) Before that game he struggled as bad as Randall. Who knows what happens if Randall has his breakout game against Auburn this year? 2) After that game, and the subsequent injury to Mauck, Randall struggled at times but to be fair had phases where his quarterbacking skills looked really solid. He still went into the Arkansas game on the road where Arkansas hadn't lost a game and managed the game well enough. He was a couple of blown coverages away from taking LSU to the SEC Championship game. 3) Randall is perfectly capable of achieving the same level of quarterback performance that Mauck displayed. No offense to the Randall bashers but anybody who denies that has really forgotten what kind of stats Mauck had coming in to last season. 4) Even if Randall plays as well as Mauck did he could still lose the starting job to Russell or Flynn because both of those guys are capapble of being the stud quarterback that LSU has clearly NOT had the last two years. As far as the vertical attack that started this thread, Russell (based on reports) is the guy who could take advantage of the skill players in a way that neither Randall or Mauck could. 5) The players on the team bleed purple and gold more than anybody on this forum so give them a little respect. Count me among those that thinks Randall hasn't been given a fair shake. I would think LSU fans would give the man the benefit of the doubt, at the very least.
Denham Was a Great town to grow up in. Was raised in Denham Springs and went to high school in Baton Rouge (Episcopal High). Have great friends on both side of Amite River and i take it personal when you make fun of Denham so lighten up and lets talk about something we all agree is terrible Like U.S.C.