Ability only gets a QB so far, but Mauck had the intangibles. Please never forget that MAUCK ONLY HAD 2 LOSES IN HIS WHOLE CAREER. Randall already has more losses. That does not mean that Randall will not be successful just not as efficient as Mauck.
That's not true. He's had a few long passes, I remember a 74 yard completion to Clayton against Arkansas. That was a beautiful play. People forget how well Randall played that game because we lost through no fault of his own. And he had a 50-something yard pass to Henderson vs. Arizona. So he can hit the deep ball. If Randall plays all season the way he played against Ole Miss and Arkansas in 2002, WE WILL BE FINE! :lsug: #1
I think this is a much better offensive line to protect him this year. The running game behind him is much better. I think Fisher has become a better offensive coordinator. Lots of different components to help insure that our starting QB succeeds. Lots of talent at WR although much of it untested. The luxury of having the great defense LSU has will take some of the pressure off Randall as well. All we can do now is wait and see what the young man can do to lead this team.
actually Tigereducated, it means that Randall will not be as efficient at winning as Mauck. Mauck's winning efficiency was 90%. Randall's current winning efficiency is 43%. If Randall goes undefeated through the regular season, wins the SEC championship and wins the National Championship his winning efficiency will still only be 80%. So it is easy to see that Mauck will always have a higher winning efficiency.
Which means absolutely NOTHING !!!!!!!!!! It doesn't take into account the quality of the team that each had around them or the quality of competition they played against (Virginia Tech, The Citadel, Miami (Ohio), Mississippi St., UL-Lafayette, Florida vs South Carolina, Auburn, Kentucky, Alabama, Ole Miss, Arkansas, Texas). So get over the win loss thing because it says very little about the quality of QB you have, many good QB's have lost a lot of games while much lesser QB's have had great winning records. How about Charlie Ward and Danny Wuerful to name a couple both NC QB's with great winning % but aren't a pimple on a real QB's azz. :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis:
I hope that Randall is successful but many people, including ones on this board, do not realize just how good Mauck was.
Indeed, Mauck had an outstanding career at LSU and his accomplishments will never be forgotten. However, some people make Mauck out to be better than he ever was. Mauck was not perfect, not great, just consistent. *Usually* he did not get the team in trouble, but from tiem to time he played downright awful. The opening play interception to Ole Miss for a td this past season is a prime example. That is one game that Mauck did not win for LSU. The defense allowed LSU to stay in that game and win it. As bad as some people apparently think Randall is, I doubt he can do much worse than throw an interception for a touchdown on the first play of a critical game on the road in the SEC. Like Mauck, Randall just has to do more good than bad, be consistent, let playmakers do the work, and rely on the defense to keep the opposing offense off the field. If he does these things then like last year LSU's chances are good.
Which means that Randall will have lost more games than Mauck... Medtiger, I used to work for a man named George Brown...He was the Head of the Beer Industry League of Louisiana....basically, he was the "liquor lobby", and he was a damn wise old man... He told me once that, "There are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics." Get your fingers off your calculator. If he has a higher winning percentage, it means that he won more games, and Randall lost more, too. Jazzing it up by dividing it by 100 and then carrying the twos won't mean anything... It also won't make Matt Mauck a better quarterback than Marcus Randall. It won't minimize the absolute PUTRID performances Mauck had against Virginia Tech in 2002 to open the season, or the absolute DUCKFART against The Citadel, or perhaps the worst performance in the modern day history of LSU Football against Mississippi State University. You can provide me very lowlight, of every tape of ever snap Randall's ever, EVER graced while wearing the Purple & Gold, & it won't be any worse than the damning evidence to be found in the gametapes of the LSU quarterback play in the specific examples I've just provided... The bottom line is the kid had different circumstances than Matt Mauck. He had the weight of the world on his shoulders, an offense already adjusted to the traits and strengths of another quarterback, the pressure of a BCS Bowl chase (We were ranked #10 at the time of the 1st rankings in '02, when Randall first took over), the pressure of nationally televised games and a top ten ranked program with him thrust into the helm with NO warm up games against the very putrid cupcakes that Mauck had the luxury of... He had nothing but pressure, and nothing but inexperience to rely on. Mauck had his path groomed daily by the likes of a still geling team that could absorb the blame equally, and a lineup of opponents that wouldn't make anyone's stomach blanch... The Citadel's safeties wouldn't pounce on an underthrown, poorly thrown, or outright bad pass the way that Auburn's safeties would (or rather, did)... Mauck also had the luxury of having Damien James playing quarterback on defense... Randall had Jack Hunt on the other side when he took over...and Hunt's play as it relates to Randall's is quite comparable. He was-what I think-was a year away from being ready. It showed with his performance in '02, and I validated that opinion with his stellar play in '03 (Remember our loss, and which safety sat out that game?)...as he did as well... Anything Randall did to hurt LSU in '02 was just as comparable to the damage done by Jack Hunt late in the Arkansucks game in '02...Where #8 totally cost us a shot at three straight SEC Western Division Championships and three straight berths in Atlanta to play for an SEC Title... I'm so sick of people nickel and diming Marcus Randall without taking his situation into the proper context overall...Sure he screwed the pooch and played poorly in some settings...but name me ONE quarterback in the WORLD short of Brett Favre who would have excelled when faced with similar adversity...