J C (Full name is Javoddron Reon Holloway Copeland) Copeland, this one is a little harder to project, 5-7th round. The thing is he will have to play Special Teams with whatever team he ends up on. A little write-up..... Can knock out a LB or DB with a pop. Catches the ball well out of the backfield, good lead blocker, solid frame, a collision when he finds his man. Has the size, speed and strength to work in the NFL, but like I said, Special teams will help him make and stay with a team.
The draft is sort of a mixed bag for me. Of course I want all of our Tigers to succeed but there are just a few teams that I truly cannot stand. The eagles being one of them and the last mock that I saw had them taking OBJ. I sure hope this doesn't happen. I hate it when the teams I hate draft Tigers. Pisses me off.
May know something with the Texans in the first pick, if they don't pick a QB, keep an eye on them in the second. They could make Mett the first player taken in the second round.
Nice, see, I can get with that. Don't really have a thing for the Texans but I don't hate em. Will probably become a fan if this happens. Hope it works out for him.
fuck that I want the Cardinals to take Mett. I saw a mock draft with them taking AJ and wanted to vomit
He is also being coached right now by the same guy that works with Flacco. That is what Jaws said this morning when he was doing his thing. I just love it that he doesn't show johnny douchebag any respect.
My opinion but I think that was a combination of a QB with a case of the yips, some bad luck, maybe a few bad coaching decisions, the face on mars starring too long at the big red spot on Jupiter etc. I'm pretty sure that team is better than that, too much talent to be that bad. A year before that they were challenging for the AFC. There are worse teams he could go to for sure. Cleveland comes to mind off the top of my head.