Yes, that has turned up recently. As a Saints fan, I whole-heartedly agree with anyone who says anything despicible about Benson. Unfortunantly, we have to play the hand that we were dealt. With all the craziness that Benson has been pulling, I don't see it out of the realm of possibility that the NFL would try to step in and encourage him turning the franchise over to someone a little less senile. I'm pretty sure they tried that already before the Saints-Rams playoff game in 2000. It seem to work for one game, too bad it didn't last. Maybe when they get a new stadium not on an Indian burial ground, we will have some better fortune.
Love the Hornets but they don't have a shot in hell of coming back. Saints? Well, I doubt it after 2006
I think that is the cold facts. No way NO can support these two teams even if half the population returns. No where near normal for several years if ever. I'd prefer the NFL let the Saints go and promise NO will have another team when LA gets one when things get semi normal in a few years.